Page 47 of King of the Court

I curse under my breath when she doesn’t heed my warning. She ignores my hands squeezing her sides trying to gentle her hips as she grinds down onto me. I’m about to fucking lose it and Raelynn teases me more, kisses me harder.

My hand slides down her neck, over her collarbone and chest. The strap on her dress dangles off her shoulder and I take full advantage, pulling the delicate fabric down farther to expose her small breast.

She watches me do it, holding her breath as I continue. The fabric peels away in slow motion and then I’m leaning down before I’m consciously aware of it, covering her with my mouth, kissing her breast as she arches up.

Suddenly the front seat isn’t good enough. I can’t touch her enough. I can barely move. I tilt her to get a better angle and the steering wheel digs into her back, then her elbow hits the window. She winces and I kiss up her neck, apologizing before I unlock the door and yank her out of the car. She laughs as her feet dangle above the ground. I don’t put her down, don’t let her come down to earth before I open the back door and lay her down across the row of seats. I stand there in the doorjamb, getting my fill of her. She props herself up on her elbows and watches me as I inhale every inch. Her dress is askew and barely covering her panties. Her other strap has worked its way free now and dangles precariously above her elbow, leaving her mostly naked from the waist up. Her blonde hair is a wild mess and her eyes are wide and curious. I watch her lips part as she tries to get a good breath of air, to steady herself the same way I’m trying to, but it’s futile. We’re in it now.

“Do you want to keep going?” I ask, suddenly needing to be crystal clear on that answer before I crawl into the back seat with her. My position in life doesn’t afford me unclear boundaries, and I want to make sure she’s still as crazy for this as I am.

Again, she nods, and I realize I haven’t heard her speak actual words since she told me to pull over.

“Birdie?” I goad, careful to keep my hands off her right now. “Say it.”

“Ben,” she replies impatiently. “Please.”

Chapter Fifteen


I’m on her in an instant and she yelps when I tug her toward me, closer to the door so she falls flat on her back. I crawl down onto her, balancing one leg on the ground and wedging my other knee between her hip and the seat. My hands work in tandem with my mouth, unveiling parts of her body for me to taste and touch. I skim the smooth curves of her ankles, up along her soft calves, the hollows of her knees, a thin scar on her right thigh, a stray freckle just below her panties. She’s wearing a lavender pair and they’re soft and wet right in the center. I keep them on as I bend her knees and split them apart. One leg tumbles off the side of the seat and the other rests gently against the back cushion.

She doesn’t resist. She’s lying back now, watching me with a soft, sweet expression as I run a finger down her center. Her hips roll in tandem with my touch, and I can’t resist doing it a second time, forcing that same reaction. God, she’s hot in a way I’m not used to. Hair tumbling in every direction. Cheeks flushed with color. No pretense, no games. Just an exposed heart, mine for the taking.

I should encourage her, pepper her with flowery words, spill my secrets so she can take them for her own. You’re beautiful. Sexy. Tempting beyond belief. I can barely stand to look at you.

It breaks my heart to see her this vulnerable, to know she’s giving herself to me in this way. I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe it’s the gentle blue in her eyes. The fragility inherent in her small frame. I want to hold her close and cherish her, and yet…I want to devour her.

I bend down and kiss her navel, feel her body quake for me.


I catch the top of her panties in my teeth and tug gently. Her hand finds my hair and she uses it to plead with me to continue. Her small approval is enough to goad me into moving lower, pressing a kiss to the flimsy lavender cotton that still conceals her from me.


Her voice is barely above a whisper, but it stops me dead in my tracks. I look up to find her watching me with a worried look in her eyes.

“Can you…” Her gaze flits to her panties. “Will you…”