Page 107 of King of the Court

At least it looks as if Julia and Ryan tidied up their areas before they left for spring break, so there’s that. I push all their chairs out of the way and relish the fact that I can swivel wherever I damn well please until they’re back at the end of the week.

I unload my book bag and my laptop, set up shop, and start to chip away at all the tasks I want to get done today.

Much later, my phone buzzes, and I blink as I turn away from my computer, rubbing my tired eyes. I was reading about Caltech’s PhD program on an online astronomy forum. The plan is for me to apply later this year so I can begin immediately upon finishing my master’s degree. Professor Olmsted has made it clear I’ll be admitted to the program should I choose to apply and said she would be happy to serve as my thesis adviser. It’s just hard to believe I’m so close to that goal. Little Raelynn Birdie from Pine Hill, Texas…ha. That’s Dr. Raelynn Birdie to you, bucko.

My phone buzzes again and I look down to read the text I received a minute ago. I feel a jolt of excitement once I see it’s from Ben. I read it while I wear a dopey smile, glad no one can see me.

BEN: Nikko told me you haven’t left your office all day. Have you eaten?

* * *

RAELYNN: I went to the vending machine earlier. Nothing beats a slightly stale Nature Valley bar.

* * *

BEN: Birdie…

I laugh.

RAELYNN: I’m a lowly grad student! We’re perpetually starving! That’s the law.

* * *

BEN: Not you. I’ll have Nikko pick you up something to eat. What sounds good?

* * *

RAELYNN: I’m fine. Promise. I can just eat when I get home.

* * *

BEN: Throw me a bone, please. I’m across the country and I left you in the middle of a mess. The least I can do is treat you to dinner from afar.

I sigh and think for a minute. If I could eat anything…

RAELYNN: Italian. Any kind of pasta! And maybe some bread too? I can just text Nikko myself?

* * *

BEN: I’ll let him know. You’ll go home and get some rest after you eat, won’t you?

* * *

RAELYNN: No promises. I usually share my tiny office with three other people and for once, it’s all mine. I’m enjoying the peace and quiet.

My phone buzzes in my hand with an incoming call from Ben, and for some insane reason, my heart rate leaps.

I answer it with a tentative, “Hello?”

“Do I need to fly back to California to ensure you get some rest? It’s late here in New York. I should already be asleep, but I’m worried about you.”

“You shouldn’t be. I do this sort of thing all the time. Why do you think my posture sucks so badly? I’m perpetually hunched over my computer.”

“I thought you said you were ahead on your work.”

“I am. But there’s always something more I can be doing.”

“You’re on spring break, aren’t you?”


“I get home on Thursday and I have the day off Friday, so you’ll stay at my place.”

I smile and lean back in my chair. “I’m not sure there was a question in there. See, it should have sounded something like ‘Birdie, will you please sleep at my house on Thursday night because I can’t stand the thought of being without you?’”

“Thursday, Birdie.”

I blush. “Thursday.”

I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never attempted to watch an NBA game on TV. I don’t even own a TV. Back at my house the next day, I set up my laptop on my bed and watch Ben’s game against the Knicks on, rooting for a miniature Ben as he bounces across my screen. It’s a tough game compared to the other two I’ve watched. Come halftime, Los Angeles is down by six and I’m picking at my nails incessantly, worried about what will happen if Ben loses.

I shouldn’t have worried about it. LA dominates the second half, and they come out on top. Before I close my laptop after the final buzzer, I snap a selfie of my setup and text it to Ben.

RAELYNN: Watched you play tonight.

The next day, he texts me when I’m in the research lab.

BEN: I’m flying to Oklahoma City tonight with the team. We have tomorrow off. Want to see Oklahoma?

* * *

RAELYNN: Ben! No! I’m busy! I’ll see you Thursday…you can wait that long.

* * *

BEN: Not sure I can.

I contemplate the idea. It’s insane, right? I can’t just go to Oklahoma for Ben. I need to be here. Though it is spring break and barely anyone else is on campus right now…

Before I can overthink it, I text him back.

RAELYNN: If you’re serious…

Chapter Thirty-Three


I look down at my shaking hands and chuckle. I’ve been in some stressful situations. I’ve played in the NBA finals and the Olympic finals, I’ve walked out into a stadium filled with tens of thousands of screaming people, I’ve stood at the free-throw line carrying the hopes of an entire city on my shoulders, and I can’t remember the last time my hands shook like this. I clench and release my fists before I reach down into my pocket to grab my hotel keycard.