“Bite me and I’ll come down your throat and won’t touch you for the rest of the night.”

She didn’t answer, only reached up for my cock. I let myself go as she fisted me as best she could. The grip she had only added to my excitement. When she complied and took the head into her mouth, I said, “Good girl. Taste yourself. Isn’t it sweet?”

In agreement, she sucked me in further, swirling her tongue on the underside of my shaft. She was a crafty little minx and I wanted her like there was no tomorrow.

I was getting closer and wanted in her again. “Turn around and show me your pretty ass.”

She wanted me to fuck her. I saw it in her eyes as she backed away before doing as I asked.

I got to my knees, sliding a hand over her back before giving her a light tap on the ass. She wiggled it and moaned.

I took her hips and drove so hard and fast into her, I stole her breath. Then I moved again. My dick was so sensitive, I fought to hang on until she was spasming around me. I gave in and came inside her.

She practically collapsed to the floor. I scooped her up and took her to the bedroom, where we both fell onto the bed and I pulled her close.

“I suppose that means we are going to try the natural way?”

“Damn right. I’m going to fuck you, but to make sure, we’ll go to a specialist to test your readiness and do whatever’s necessary to ensure you’re pregnant.”

She nodded and we both drifted off to sleep.

I woke to the shrill sound of her voice. She hovered over me with something small in her hand. “You’re Hugh Hampton with Hampton’s Media. My friend Chloe’s asshole boss!”

It took a moment to realize she had my business card I’d left for her the other day. I nodded, also making the connection with Chloe, my most valuable employee.

“Wait, I can explain,” I said when I saw the hatred in her eyes. That told me Chloe wasn’t my biggest fan.

“No.” She shook her head. “You have to leave now. The deal’s off, you bastard. How dare you come here?” She said that like I’d planned this against her friend.

“I had no fucking clue you knew Chloe. She’s my best employee.”

Her finger was aimed at me like she wanted to claw my eyes out. I scooted off the bed, well aware my dick was swinging in the breeze.

“Don’t you dare, you asshole. You were fucking your admin. Chloe caught you. And you’re here fucking me.” She shuddered. “You better not have some disease or I’m suing the hell out of you.”

“I didn’t fuck her without protection, only you.”

Her hair fanned around her head from the way she was shaking it. “Get the fuck out or I’m calling the cops.”

I eased around her and pulled on my pants and my shirt, not bothering with buttoning it as she glared at me. “I can make this right,” I pleaded.

She wasn’t having any of it. I grabbed my tie and headed for the door. I held there a second, hoping she’d change her mind. But she didn’t. It slammed as I headed for my car. Good thing I’d driven. I got another evil glare from a mother who covered her daughter’s eyes as I jogged to the car, shirt flapping in the breeze.



When the door slammed behind him, I was sure the door to my future slammed as well. My hand shook as I parted the blinds and watched him get into his expensive car. He didn’t drive away immediately, as I’d thought he would. He sat behind the wheel for a few minutes, and then his fists crashed into that same wheel. I feared for a minute his anger would have him ripping the thing apart. But a few moments later, he drove off, tires spinning as he went.

Had I made the biggest mistake of my life? Probably, but I didn’t know what else to do. Staying with him was a betrayal of the worst sort to Chloe, and I couldn’t have that. Why hadn’t I looked at the card he’d left on the counter? I’d let myself get all worked up over the possibilities of a better life for Mom and the chance of Dad getting out of prison. Now it vanished like a wisp of smoke.

My butt hit the chair at my pitiful kitchen table, and I slumped in the seat. It would have to be the one directly in front of the pile of bills that were stealing my life away. The questions about both my parents pounded my brain. Mom was too young to be in a nursing home. And Dad was far too honest to have embezzled any money.