“Yep, all good here. My friend already left. Seems she beat me to the punch.”

“Now you don’t feel so bad, do you?”

“No, I don’t.”

He tipped my chin up and kissed me again. “I can’t wait to get you into bed, Molly,” he said before leading me outside.

I couldn’t wait, either. This was going to be a great night after all.



We arrived at a decent apartment building and Molly stared out of the window as if she hadn’t noticed we’d arrived. Had I missed my opportunity? I could have used one of Dillon’s bedrooms in his house of heathens, but he was the kind of bastard who’d have all the rooms wired for video surveillance.

Though she’d already agreed, I wanted to give her one last out so she’d have no regrets. “Should we call it a night?” I held my breath, wondering if she would say yes. Though we’d been at one of Dillon’s anything-goes-including-sex parties, I would never assume that she hadn’t changed her mind about taking me to her bed.

“No.” She gave me a sexy smile and I took that as an invitation.

The driver opened the door and helped her out. His hands on her sparked a jealousy inside me. I wrote it off as the lust I’d held at bay since I first spotted her.

I told my driver to hang around for a little bit. If I didn’t call, he could go until I texted him I was ready to leave.

We climbed the stairs to the second level and headed down a ways to her door. Her small hand shook as she opened it, and I was struck again wondering if this had been her first sex party.

Her tiny apartment was about the size of the suite of rooms I’d had at my disposal as a child growing up. My parents hadn’t flaunted their wealth. Our home was modest compared to that of my cousin, who’d been the closest thing I had to a brother for a time, or grandparents, but it was still far larger than this.

Her gaze met mine for a second before darting away like a scared kitten’s. From all the signals she gave, she’d seemed into me before we left. I might be ruthless when it came to business, but I wasn’t a total asshole when it came to women. My parents had loved each other, unlike my cousin’s parents. Their marriage had been an arrangement of sorts and they’d hated each other from the start. Dad had taught me always to treat women with respect. And I was always honest about my intentions with the women I slept with.

“Are you nervous? I know we were at a sex party, but you’re free to change your mind if you don’t want this,” I said.

Her eyes grew large as she stared at me in horror. “No!”

I clenched my jaw. “I should go then.” My dick was hard to the point of pain, but I would never force myself where I wasn’t wanted.

“No.” She held up her hand. “I mean, I didn’t know it was a sex party.”

I’d known there was something different about her. She hadn’t dressed the part of a siren. The purple dress she wore clung to her like a second skin, but she’d been more covered than any woman there, including the help. “Then I really should leave.”

She shook her head, the deep blonde curls bouncing. “No, I didn’t know, but I did invite you over for…” Her cheeks reddened, which made her all the more alluring.

“You have to say it, love, if you want me to stay.”

She lifted her chin. “I want you to fuck me.”

I couldn’t stop from grinning and held out a hand. “Lead the way.”

We could have started there, but her couch was small, and I was a big guy. I wanted room to play. After a walk down a short hallway, we stopped at the doorframe. I braced my arm against it as she turned to face me. The room wasn’t very big, much like the rest of the apartment. A bed and a small dresser took up much of the space. If I went in after her, my sheer size in the confined room might spook her. I stayed where I was.

“Strip.” It was a command, and I used the voice I did at work to get things done.

Her emerald-green eyes widened a second before they heated. My little minx liked being told what to do. Not a problem. I could give her what she wanted there.

She licked her lips and went for the thin straps of her dress, slipping them off her shoulders one at a time. The little tease flicked sultry glances my way and damn if it didn’t work. I gripped my dick through my pants to keep it from busting through. Her fucking bare shoulders gave me wood like no naked woman had before.