Self-pity took over, which was unusual for me. I wasn’t one to give in to those feelings because I viewed them as a waste of time and energy, but today had been a huge disappointment. To top it off, the person who could usually pull me out of my sour mood was off-limits. There wasn’t a chance in hell I could talk to Chloe about this.

My phone rang, jolting me out of this sad state of affairs. Maybe it was the lottery calling to tell me I’d won a million dollars. Fat chance, even though I’d been entering that stupid thing for God only knew how long now.

Only it wasn’t. It was my mom, which only made my heart crack even more. Bolstering my spirits for what would be a long, sad conversation, I answered it with as much cheer as I could muster. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, darling.” The words were slurred and barely recognizable. I was used to her speech by now, so I understood her.

“How are you today?”

“I’m fine. How is my favorite daughter?”

“I’m your only daughter.” I laughed, not because I felt it, but because I hoped it would cheer her.

“But you are my favorite too. Are you having fun?”

“Yes, Mom. Lots of fun. I’m coming to visit you the day after tomorrow. On Saturday.”

“Oh, Molly, don’t waste time driving out here. I want you to live your life and not spend it on me.”

“Mom, visiting you is not a waste of my time.”

“I’d rather you be meeting a nice young man so I could have a grandchild before I leave this earth. And you won’t meet one visiting your mother in a nursing home.”

Her words gave me pause and made me think about Hugh and his offer again. Had I royally screwed up by kicking him out? With his money, I could move Mom closer, which would lessen the burden of me having to drive so far to see her. I could then visit her more often. It would also make Mom happy to have the grandchild she’d always dreamed of having. Dad could have a better legal team at his disposal. If his name were cleared, he could possibly go back to work.

There would still be the issue of telling Chloe, but maybe I could get by without naming the father of the baby. I might be able to tell her I didn’t know who it was—that it had happened while I was sleeping with two men and I didn’t want to divulge their names. Nah, she’d never buy it. Lying to her also wasn’t an option. I would be honest and tell her I hadn’t known who he was at first. I could only hope she would forgive me this business deal, because that was all it really was.

“Molly, honey, are you still there?”

“Yeah, Mom, I’m here. I’d love to give you a grandchild and maybe I will someday. But I still want to visit you. You’re my mother and I love you dearly. So stop telling me not to come.”

“You always were persistent.”

I was, wasn’t I. I changed the subject. “Hey, Mom, they treat you good over there, don’t they?”

“Yes, dear.”

“And you’d tell me if they didn’t?”

“I would.”

“Okay. Then I’ll see you Saturday around lunch. I love you, Mom.”

“Love you too, dear.”

As soon as the call ended, I hunted for Hugh’s card. His name burned a hole in my hand as I stared at it. This would be the most difficult decision of my life. There was a lot riding on this, but if I did the right thing, my parents could really benefit from this. And so could I.

In the morning, when I arrived at work, there was a huge bouquet of flowers sitting on my desk along with a box of expensive chocolates and another box. There wasn’t a card or anything else accompanying them. I asked around and no one had seen the delivery person. Who could’ve sent these? Was it Hugh? But why after the way I’d treated him?

The answer to that question lay in the box. There was only one person who would have sent me that.

The rest of the day went to shit because he was all I thought of. Why hadn’t I taken the time to listen to his explanation? I’d just kicked him out, assuming the worst. That was so unlike me. I wasn’t sure who I was more pissed off at—him or me.



What the hell had happened back there? I’d left that card in her apartment the other day. How had she not seen it? How was I supposed to know Chloe was her best friend and Chloe thought I was an asshole? What had I done to deserve that? I’d thought I treated her well. I gave her all sorts of responsibilities at work. She was my best employee and I trusted her with everything, which was why I gave her the most difficult tasks to do. Where had this all gone so damn wrong? Here I’d thought I had it all figured out. Now what the fuck was I supposed to do?