Life thrives with irony, bint Iskandar. Indeed, it did.

“When all this is done, Altair, I’ll give you the perfect position in the palace so that you can lead the life you’ve always deserved,” Nasir said, sheathing his scimitar.

Altair rolled his eye, and Zafira withdrew the stolen black dagger and offered it to him, hilt first.

“Keep it,” he said with a soft laugh, his warm hand closing her fingers around the hilt. “That was always your part in this plan.”

She searched his gaze. Had he truly factored her into his scheme? Or was this a moment of improvisation? Before she could find the courage to ask, he was turning and gesturing to the two rows of buildings leading to the palace gates, pausing when Misk sprinted down the stairs.

His turban was nowhere to be seen, his hair disheveled in a way that was clear it wasn’t the wind that had rifled through it.

“Sultan’s teeth, Misk Khaldun. Have you no decency?” Altair exclaimed.

Misk grinned, his gaze bright. Nasir whispered something that sounded suspiciously like You’re one to talk.

“Station half your archers along those rooftops,” Altair told him. “The rest of us will spread out and regroup—”

The ground began to tremble. Altair and Nasir shared a look and hurried outside, and Zafira wondered if either of them knew just how much strength they drew from the other.

“Ifrit,” Kifah whispered. “We’re late. They weren’t supposed to come to us.”

“Zafira?” Yasmine asked from the upstairs balcony, her face flushed. “What’s happening?”

“Stay in the room. Lock the door,” Zafira ordered, unsure if that would make a difference. “Don’t leave.”

But Yasmine didn’t move from the balcony. She was watching her.

“It’s still new,” she said softly, “seeing you armed and uncloaked. Shoulders back, head high. The bearer of change. I can hear the bards already—‘she was a reed against the harrowing tides, the curve of the moon leading them to freedom.’”

Zafira bit back her smile, undeserving of that prideful delight. If only Yasmine knew what more she had done to bear that change. The sins she had committed because of their caliph’s bias. Yet the words stirred tears from a piece of her that awaited acknowledgment and praise from her dearest friend.

“I’m proud of you. Lana is, too. If I hadn’t threatened to lock her in the palace dungeons, she would have come.”

Zafira laughed through the trappings of her guilt, for Yasmine had protected her sibling in a way Zafira had failed Yasmine’s.

When she looked back up, Yasmine had fixed her gaze on Misk, who saluted her one last time before disappearing after the others. Fear filled her hazel eyes with tears, and she fled before they could fall, latching the door closed.

Live, Zafira demanded Misk. Amend your shortcomings. Love her.

Then only Kifah and she remained. Kifah, armed with her spear, gold-tipped and fierce. Zafira, with only Nasir’s jambiya in her hand, the black dagger tucked in her boot. No bow, no arrows.

“Oi,” Kifah snapped, startling her. “Don’t slouch. You overpowered the Jawarat, and that thing is as old as the Lion.”

That was exactly it, wasn’t it? Zafira gripped the satchel strapped to her side. “And as long as I’m connected to the Jawarat, I’ll be a risk. I feel like I’ve been made of glass.”

Kifah shook her shoulders. “No one walks into battle expecting to die, Huntress, and a book bound to your soul doesn’t make that any different. Now hold that dagger high and stick with me, glass girl. I’ll make sure you don’t shatter.”


A dark haze bled into the afternoon light, chilling Zafira’s skin, and worry buzzed through Misk?

??s rebels when the streets erupted with screams and alarmed shouts. Smoke continued billowing to the skies, but this darkness was different.

This was the darkness that preceded ifrit in their natural form. They flooded the gates, staves flashing, shapeless guises shifting. Zafira locked the house doors. Altair breathed a curse.

Somehow, that made everything worse.

“This,” Nasir rounded on him, his voice hushed in anger, “is what happens when you leave anything to chance. People die.”