“Yeah, but not until later when I can actually form a sentence. That conversation needs me at my best.”

“I tend to agree with you on that.”

Hunter’s joined us and is standing in front of where Van and I are sitting. “Did I just hear right? Did you two assholes just agree on something?”

“Fuck off,” Van snaps at him as he removes his sunglasses and levels a glare on him.

Hunter ignores him. “Are we getting to work or are you two gonna sit around and bitch like girls all day?”

“Fuck off,” I echo Van’s sentiments and pull myself up out of the couch. Looking around the room, I ask, “What have we got?”

“I wrote a song this morning,” Van says, surprising the hell out of all of us.

“Jesus, with that hangover?” West murmurs.

“Show me,” I demand, because I know that magic flows when Van’s worked up like he has been lately.

He pulls out a crumpled piece of paper and hands me the lyrics while he reaches for his guitar. A minute later he’s playing us the song I know will be the first single from our album. And the kicker is that he’s managed to combine our signature sound with the new sound he’s so keen to try.

We work for thirteen hours straight and finally call it quits just after nine that night. We’ve recorded Van’s new song as well as another one we’ve been working on for a few days. It’s been a long day, but for the first time in ages it feels like we’re finally getting somewhere with this album.

I head out to my car and call Claudia as I turn on the engine.

“Have you got a song for me yet?” she asks. I always send her our music while we’re recording because she’s usually spot on with her assessment of it.

“I have two for you. I’ll send them tomorrow.” I put the car in reverse and pull out of the car park.

“Are you happy with them?”

“I think so.”

“Why the hesitation? That’s not like you?”

“We’re trying out a new sound so I’m not completely convinced. That’s why I really want your opinion,” I say as I head out of The Valley towards Presley’s place. I haven’t spoken with her all day and I’m at the point where I need her. Fuck making a phone call, I need to see her and touch her.

“Wow, a new sound. I think it’s a great idea.”

“Yeah, but we need to get it right, so we don’t turn fans off.”

“What are you doing now? Wanna come over?”

“I can’t. I’m on my way to see Presley. I’ve got stuff to fix with her after we had a fight last night.” Claudia knows about Presley and although she hasn’t met her yet, she’s happy I finally have a girlfriend. She’s been on my case to stop screwing around for years.

“Shit, Jett, you had a fight last night and you haven’t sorted that out yet? If I was Presley, I’d be even madder at you by now. Have you at least spoken with her today?”

“No,” I admit, “I’ve been busy working all day.”

She sighs. “You really have no clue how this relationship stuff works, do you?”

“Fuck, Claudia, I’ve got shit going on with a lot of things at the moment. Presley knows that.”

“Oh God, you need to pick up your game, big brother. I’ve seen the photos of Presley you sent me and she’s hot. If you don’t look after that relationship, another guy’s gonna come along and show her what she’s missing.”

Irritation crawls through me, and I slam my hand on the steering wheel. “Fuck, you think I don’t know that? I’m doing the best I can.” The idea of another man even thinking about Presley causes my jealousy to spike. And I fucking hate it as much

as Presley does but I’m helpless to stop it. The woman has me all tied up in knots.

“I suggest you hang up, speed up, and hope like hell she’ll listen to what you have to say to her.”