“So that’s it? You’re not going to discuss this with me?”

“There’s nothing to discuss,” she snaps before stalking out of the bedroom.

I pull my shorts on and follow her. “There is something to discuss. Because you’re losing your damn mind over it.”

She doesn’t stop, just keeps stalking away from me. When we finally make it to the kitchen, I reach for her hand and halt her. She turns in an angry huff and stares at me.

“Where the hell did this anger come from and how the fuck did we get from a blow job to this in the space of a few minutes?” I demand.

She takes a few deep breaths. “I hate how you push the point sometimes. I told you there’s nothing, but you just kept going.”

“Because I can tell there’s something there. Why won’t you tell me what it is?”

Her phone vibrates on the table and starts ringing.

Her attention diverts to it, but I snap, “Leave it. We need to sort this out.”

It stops ringing but starts almost straight away.

She takes a step towards it.

I pull her back to me.

“Callie,” I demand. “Start talking.”

She stops and stares at me. Her eyes are heavy with conflict and I suck in a breath at what I see there.



Her phone stops ringing.

“Luke… I can’t tell yo—”

The fucking phone rings again.

I stride to the table, pick it up and snap, “What?”


And then—“Ummm, is Callie there?”

Ice runs up my spine.

I stiffen.

I’d know this voice any-fucking-where. What I don’t know is why the fuck I’m hearing it on Callie’s phone.

I grip the phone hard as my eyes bore into Callie’s. “Why are you calling this phone, Jolene?”


“Luke?” Her voice is a strangled mess of confusion and hesitation.

“Yes. Answer me. Why are you calling Callie?” I barely contain my anger and bewilderment.

Callie’s eyes widen in horror and she freezes. Her hand covers her mouth as she sucks in a breath.