I place my hand on his ass and smile up at him. “Can I pretend I’m helping? Just so I can stand near you?” I speak quietly enough so that Glenda and Sean can’t hear. Besides, Sean has already engaged his aunt in conversation. And as much as she appears to be straining to hear what I’m saying, there’s no way she’s escaping her nephew.

“Baby, any time you wanna put that hand on my ass, you go right ahead,” he says, his voice quiet, but deep.

“I think you’re going to become my drug of choice,” I say as my tummy does somersaults. Being this close to him is one thing, but when he uses that voice on me, I’m done for.

His arm slides around my waist, and he dips his mouth to mine for a kiss. When he pulls away, he says, “You’re already mine, Callie.”

He lets me go so he can direct his energy to cooking, and I just stand by helpless to think straight.

Please, God, never let this change.

I need Luke to always look at me that way.

And speak to me like that.

I’m not naïve to believe we’ll never have problems, but so long as my man feels enough for me to give me those things, we can get past anything.

“How did you two meet?” Glenda asks as she and I are packing the dishwas

her. Luke is getting Sean ready for his day out.

Breakfast was a chore. She spent the whole meal sucking up Luke’s ass and pandering to Sean. He was fussy during breakfast again, and she tried to argue on his behalf to Luke. I wanted to gag. Luke didn’t back down, and all she achieved was to inspire more tears from Sean.

“We met at his bar about a year ago. My best friend works full-time with him,” I answer her question begrudgingly. I don’t want to give her any information.

“Oh…” She doesn’t end that sentence, and it pisses me off. Her tone is bitchy as fuck.

“Oh, what?” I demand, my body tensing.

She stops what she’s doing and turns to face me completely. “Oh, so you’re a bit of fun for him that he found at his bar.”

The bitch.

Jesus, they’re flying at me thick and fast around here.

“I wouldn’t say that.” I restrain myself, mindful that this woman is related to Luke.

“What would you say? Luke’s hardly interested in anyone at the moment.”

“What does that mean?”

“Do you know his history, honey?”

I place my hand on my hip. “Yes, I know his history,” I snap, unable to control myself.

“Do you really think someone who’s been through what he’s been through is ready to find a long-term woman? If it were me, I’d only want some quick fun for a while.”

My chest tightens with anger. That and the urge to scratch her eyes out. “You know nothing about our relationship, Glenda, and I don’t appreciate your bitchy comments.”

Her eyes widen. And then they darken. She leans so close that when she speaks, her hot breath causes my nose to wrinkle. “I’m just looking out for the man my sister screwed over. He’s been through a lot in the last two years. Things you can’t even imagine. And he doesn’t need another woman to come into his life and fuck him over again. So, you take a long hard think about your intentions before this goes much further.”

My hand clenches at my side while I think about slapping her. “Take a step back and never say that to me again. I know what your sister did to him, and I am not like that woman at all. I don’t know if you’ve got some hidden agenda here besides looking out for Luke. If you do, I’d suggest you forget it, because he’s mine now.” My chest is pumping furiously as my anger reaches boiling point.

We glare at each other until Luke interrupts us. He’s oblivious to what has just transpired. “Sean’s ready, Glenda. Thank you for today.”

“Always, Luke. Whenever you need me, I’m happy to help.” She reaches her arms out for Sean, who happily moves into her embrace. “Sean and I are going to have so much fun at the museum today.”

“Yay!” Sean exclaims.