He doesn’t lift his eyes. Just continues giving his full attention to my legs. I have no issue with this, because the longer he stares at them, the less time he gives my face and hair. “I’m looking at a pretty fucking good reason not to leave,” he says, low and deep. Husky as hell.

“Well, maybe we could strike a deal,” I suggest.

His eyes find mine again. “And what would that be?”

When his gaze begins to wander up, I click my fingers. “Eyes on my legs. The deal is you can come in if you just keep looking at them until I fix my face and hair. Yeah?”

Amusement crosses his face, and his lips twitch. “No deal, baby. If you think I can wait for all that to happen, you’re dreaming.”

He enters my apartment and closes the door behind him. When his hand reaches for the sash on my robe, I quickly snap my hand over his, halting his progress. “No!”

His eyes narrow. “Why?”

“Because I’m not ready for you, Luke.”

“Baby, you were born ready for me. You were fucking made ready for me.” While he’s killing me with words, he somehow manages to wrangle my hand from his, and he undoes my robe.

His gaze shifts to my breasts and lust hits me in my core. When his hands glide over my shoulders to shrug my robe off, my skin burns with need. And when he backs me up against the wall and lifts me, I wrap my legs around him and let go of any worry I have that I’m not ready for him.

To hell with it, Luke will just have to take me as I come.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful, Callie,” he rasps as he bends his face to my breast.

He sucks my nipple into his mouth, and I claw at his back, grasping his shirt with both hands. He’s wearing one of those cottony shirts that drive me wild. I only vaguely realise this because his mouth is very distracting and I’m fairly sure my brain is about to stop functioning.

After treating both my breasts to his mouth, he begins kissing a trail up my chest to my collarbone and then to my neck.

I don’t want him to stop, but if he keeps going, he’s going to begin kissing my mask. “Luke,” I whisper.

He doesn’t stop kissing my neck, so I shift my hands to his chest and attempt to get his attention by pushing against him.

Eventually, he looks at me, his eyes glazed. “What?”

I take hold of his face. His beautiful, beautiful face. “Baby, can I at least take my mask off and rinse my hair before we do this?”

His eyes remain glued to mine. “I’ve waited this long to have you, Callie. I don’t want to let you go.”

“I know, and I don’t want you to either, but—”

He cuts me off when he holds me tight, swings around and walks towards the bathroom.

I cling to him. “Umm, what are we doing?”

“We’re going to rinse your hair and wash your face.” The determination on his face is intense. Luke is a man on a mission.

I’m not sure what he means by “we”, but I don’t question him. I’m just happy that he listened to me.

When we hit the bathroom, he puts me down and lifts his shirt over his head. When he reaches for his belt, I know where he’s going with this, and I have to admit I love the idea.

While he strips, I tear my eyes away for a minute to turn the taps on. When I look back, he’s naked and tracking my every movement. He steps around me so he can enter the shower first. Once he’s tested the water is warm enough, he reaches for me, and before I know it, our bodies are pressed hard against each other while water streams over us.

He bends to kiss me, and I try to avoid it because the damn mask is still on my face. “Shhh,” he says before claiming my mouth, and I finally throw caution to the wind. Who am I to argue if he wants to kiss me even if I have an ugly black mask on my face, sucking the sexy out of me?

His kiss practically sweeps me off my feet. It’s long and delicious and searching and anything but demanding. This kiss is different to every other kiss we’ve shared. It’s as if Luke is making a statement—I’m his now, and he has all the time in the world to explore me.

By the time his lips leave mine, my arms are completely wrapped around him, and I’m not ready to let him go. He smiles. “You want me to clean the mask off?”

I nod. “You’re going to have to because I’m not letting you go.”