I take hold of his face with both hands. “Jett Vaughn, you have nothing to worry about. My heart is yours and that’s all that counts. I don’t even notice those men supposedly looking at me.”

“Oh, I can assure you there’s no supposedly looking at you going on, they are fucking looking at you.” He pauses for a moment and gives me the softest look I’ve ever seen from him. It causes butterflies in my tummy. “I’m falling in love with you, baby,” he says softly, and my heart beats faster in my chest.

“I’m falling in love with you, too,” I tell him honestly. It wasn’t something I was looking for or something I wanted, but it’s the truth.

Jett Vaughn owns me, body and soul.

Jett leaves and I spend the rest of the day catching up on the things I’ve let slide since I met him. My accountant has been bugging me for weeks to give him the rest of my paperwork so he can file my return so I get that done amongst other things. When six o’clock comes around, I decide I’m done for the day and wander aimlessly around my apartment trying to decide what to do next. I’m at a loss. I’m so used to always working that to have all the time in the world to myself leaves me unsure of how to spend it

Finally, I give in and call Erin. “What are you doing tonight?” I ask when she answers her phone.

“I’m taking you out to a club, obviously.”

“Thank God.”

She laughs. “Be ready by nine. I’ll swing by in a cab and pick you up. And get ready to get your drink on, girl, it’s been too long between drinks for us.”

Three hours later, she picks me up and we head to our favourite club. She leads us to the bar, orders us a cocktail each and then asks, “How the fuck are you?”

“I’m an idiot.”

Raising her brows, she says, “Not what I was expecting to hear, but go on, because I want to know what you’re basing that on.”

I settle myself on the barstool. “I didn’t want a boyfriend so soon after ending my marriage, and yet here I am with one, and he’s gone away, and I’m left not knowing how the hell to pass my time without him. I’ve turned into one of those women whose life revolves around their men. So yeah, I’m a fucking idiot.” The bartender brings our drinks and I drink way more than one sip.

“You are so far from an idiot it isn’t even funny, babe. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to spend your time with Jett and there’s nothing wrong with having a boyfriend after walking away from Lennon. Jett’s brought something into your life that you never had with Lennon so I vote you embrace the shit outta that and see where it takes you.”

“I say it again, how the hell did you get so smart about relationships?”

Laughing, she says, “It’s easy to watch everyone else around you do relationships, a lot harder to be in them and work at them. I’m not a fool, though. I doubt I’d have anywhere near this sort of insight into my own relationship if I were in one. Now, as for you not knowing what to do with yourself while Jett’s away, I think it’s a perfect time to explore your career options.”

I sigh. “I know you’re right, but every time I start to think about that, I get blocked. It’s like my mind is sabotaging me.”

She drinks some more of her cocktail. “It probably is. This is a huge change for you so no wonder you’re struggling with it. I think you should actually stop thinking about it and just do.”

I pull a face at her. “What does that mean? Do what?” I take another long sip of my drink; I definitely need alcohol for this conversation.

“Get out there and take photos. It’s what you love to do so go do it. You never know, inspiration might hit while you’re doing it.”

I drink more and contemplate her suggestion. “Shit, maybe you’re right,” I mutter.

“I’m always right.” She grins at me, full of herself, and I have to laugh.

Rolling my eyes, I say, “Oh God, help me, I’m surrounded by cocky people who - ”

She cuts me off. “Who only want the best for you. Honestly, you’re one lucky bitch to have us.” She raises her glass and adds, “Cheers to that!”

Shaking my head and laughing at her, I agree, “I hate to say it, but you’re right, and I will stop moaning about it.” I stop laughing for a moment. “But babe, you’re probably gonna have to put up with me whinging about missing Jett while he’s away. And the sex . . . oh God, the sex! I’m gonna miss that.”

She bangs her head on the bar and then looks at me with feigned dislike. “I don’t want to hear a word out of you about missing that sex. You should try living my life and getting irregular and not that good sex. Then you’d have something to whinge about.”

I laugh again; I can’t help it, she looks so wronged. “This is why I keep telling you to find a man to settle down with, even if just for awhile.”

She raises a finger in the air to halt me. “I’ve looked and there’s no one out there that interests me.”

An idea comes to me and I get momentarily excited. “I could help you look! While Jett’s away. There’s gotta be someone out there for you.”

A pained expression covers her face and she downs the rest of her drink. “God give me strength. No fucking way am I letting you shop around for a man for me.”