“Tell me more. You know how much I love hearing about that sort of shit.”

“So he’s got a jealous streak, and it came out while we were at dinner. I called him out on it and we went from there but then the next day he never called and I didn’t hear from him until after nine that night.”

“And you were pissed off about that, right? Hell, I would have been too. Don’t men know that it’s always on them to make the first move after they’ve screwed up?”

“Right!” Only a woman would understand this logic.

“But I bet he didn’t even realise he’d screwed up, did he?”

I sigh. “Jett’s an odd beast. Yeah, he was an ass, and yeah, he didn’t fully understand what he’d done wrong, but damn, I’ve gotta give the man props for trying to fix it. And then I was a total bitch to him and I knew I was being a bitch but for the life of me I couldn’t stop the damn words from spewing out of my mouth.”

“Girl, that’s a woman’s prerogative and it’s her man’s job to wade through that shit and find the woman he loves underneath all the bullshit that gets in the way.”

“Jesus, you really believe that?”

“Yes, I do, but I also believe it’s the woman’s job to help her man be the man she needs, and to be patient while he gets his shit together.”

Damn, my bestie is one smart chick. “Babe, why the hell don’t you have a man? You’ve got this relationship stuff all worked out.” She keeps men at arm’s length and just has fun with them rather than committing, and I always wonder when she’ll stop playing the field.

She snorts. “Shit, I don’t have the patience for all that. I’ll leave that to a better woman than me. And speaking of things I have no patience for, where is Lennon in all this? Is he still begging you to take him back?”

I roll my eyes. “He came over again and I told him no, again. We ended up having a huge argument and I haven’t heard from him since. I really hope he’s got the message because I don’t know how many other ways to say no to a man.”

“Seems to be a recurring problem in your life,” she says with a hint of sarcasm. “Did you get Diesel to back off?”

“I bloody hope so. I’ve told Michael I don’t want the job so I hope Diesel leaves it at that.”

“And you really didn’t want that job? Or did you just say no for Jett’s sake?”

“I said no for my sake. Diesel seems like too much of a handful for me and I couldn’t see myself working for him for any length of time,” I answer her honestly. There’s a knock on my front door so I tell her, “Babe, I gotta go, ‘cause there’s someone at my door. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“Go,” she says, and we hang up.

I’m greeted by the sight of Jett’s back when I open the door. He’s on the phone so I take the opportunity to check out his butt. After all, he’s got one of the best asses I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’m deep in appreciation when he ends the call and turns around.

Catching me checking him out, he smirks and says, “Should I turn back around so you can continue what would have to be one of my favourite pastimes?”

“One of your favourites?” I ask, confused.

“Yeah, baby, I fucking love your eyes on me.” His hands go to the button on his jeans and he adds, “Hell, I’ll even strip if you’d prefer that.”

I shake my head at his antics and laugh. “You’re incorrigible, Jett Vaughn.”

He laughs too and sweeps in for a quick kiss. “Only for you.”

I drag him into the kitchen and tell him to sit at the counter while I cook and he actually does what I say for once. “You had a good day?” he enquires while I chop broccoli.

“Yes, and I have something to tell you.”

“Shoot.” He leans his elbows on the counter and gives me his full attention. God, I could stare into those eyes of his all day long.

“I told Michael I won’t take that job with Diesel and I know I already told you I wouldn’t but I want you to know I’ve let them know.” The words tumble out of my mouth in a rush because we’ve never revisited this topic since our fight, and I’m hoping this doesn’t stir anything up again.

“Presley, while I’m fucking ecstatic you’re not working with him, I would have manned up if you’d decided to take the job on, so if you do want to do it, you should. And yeah, you were right the other night when you said I was jealous. I’ve never experienced it in my life but when any man has his eyes on you, I’ll admit, I’m a jealous prick.”

I stop chopping vegetables and stare at him. The honesty that he’s just given me blows me away. It’s the kind of honesty that would move any relationship forward, and it’s exactly what I needed to hear. “You know you’ve got nothing to worry about, right?” I need him to know he’s the only man on my radar.

“I trust you, sweetheart. I just can’t help the urge to choke the ever-loving shit out of any man who looks in your direction, but I’m working on it.”