
I can’t recall the last time inspiration struck like this. I reach for my bag and fumble for my phone. I need to write some notes while it’s fresh.

“What’s up?” Luke asks, glancing at my phone in my hands.

“I just had an idea for a story. I have to write notes while it’s still in my mind.” I give him an apologetic look. “Sorry. I won’t be long.”

“No worries.” I’m relieved he doesn’t mind. My previous boyfriend hated it when I did this.

Ideas keep flowing, so by the time I’ve got it all down, Luke’s just pulling the car into a car park across the road from the beach at Redcliffe. I place my phone back in my bag, exit the car and say, “I’m sorry that took so long.”

He meets me behind the car and pulls me into his arms. “Callie, I’m not worried. I get it.”

“How did I get so lucky to score you?” I ask as I run my hands up and down his back. He’s wearing one of his thin shirts today, so I can easily make out his muscles under it. And after being blessed with those muscles all night Friday, touching him is causing lust to pool in my belly.

He smirks. “I have no idea, but you did good.”

“Smartass,” I mutter, but I’m smiling. “So what’s the plan for today?”

“I’ve got you, a blanket, the beach, a basket of food that Paris made us, and about four hours. I figure we can find something to do with all that.”

He lets me go and grabs the basket and blanket from the boot of the car before leading me down to the beach. Being mid-August, there aren’t a lot of people here today, which is perfect. The August winds have died down over the last couple of days, so it really is a great day for the beach. Mind you, I love the beach, come rain, hail or shine.

Luke finds us a secluded spot near the trees and spreads the blanket out. He then sits and pulls me into his lap. When he has me where he wants me, his lips sweep across mine. His fingers thread through my hair as he deepens our kiss.

We make out for a good fifteen minutes and by the time his lips finally give mine up, I’m giddy with happiness. I catch my breath, and say, “I can’t remember the last time I made out like that.”

“You wanna go again?” he asks, his gaze heated.

“I always wanna go again, bu—”

He cuts me off by claiming my mouth again. I kiss him for a minute, before gently pushing against his chest.

Staring at me in mock confusion, he says, “I thought you wanted to go again.”

I shake my head with a grin. God, I love his sense of humour. “You didn’t let me finish what I was saying.”

Amusement flashes in his eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry. Continue.”

“Things might get a little out of control if we keep that up.” I shift in his hold so I’m still sitting in his lap, but straddling him.

His brows rise as his gaze dips to take in my legs, one on either side of him. When he looks back up at me, he says, “Baby, sitting like that ain’t gonna help your cause. If you want us to do something other than lose control, you might wanna reconsider that position.”

“Really? You can’t control yourself?”

“Callie, I’ve been controlling myself for three long weeks. Trust me when I tell you that there’s not much control left in reserve.”

“Okay, I’m moving,” I say as I shift off his lap. I miss his contact as soon as I sit across from him on the blanket.

He stretches out, lying on his side with his head propped up by his hand. Reaching out to touch my arm, he says, “What are you scared of?”

I frown. “Nothing.”

“No, I don’t mean right now. I mean, in general, what are you scared of in life?”

“Where is this coming from, Luke?”

“I want to know what makes you tick. I know a lot about you, but there’s so much I don’t know yet.”