Hopefully, he’ll just drop me off and keep going.

There is no way you can let him into your apartment because you’ll end up jumping his bones.

Who are you kidding? There’s no way he’s going to just drop and run.

Oh, God. Please send help.

We reach my apartment complex, and he parks the car. As he switches off the ignition, I know how this is going to go down. He’s going to walk me in, and I’m not going to be able to stop myself from making a move. I’m so damn horny, and a woman can only control herself to a certain point.

I want Luke and there’s no more denying it.

“You don’t have to walk me in,” I blurt out, making one last attempt at trying to control myself. As the words pass by my lips, even I’m hoping he ignores them.

And he does.

“I’m walking you in, Callie. Don’t even try to argue with me.”

He unfastens his seat belt and exits the car.

Five minutes later, he follows me into my apartment after guiding me inside with his hand on my back again. To say I love the hell out of his hand on me is an understatement.

“Is James home?” he asks as he looks around the lounge room. It’s been a good three months since he’s been here and I’ve made a lot of changes since then. Not that Luke has really seen much of my home. He came over once when I had a gushing tap. I rang Avery in desperation and Luke overheard. Twenty minutes later, he turned up to fix it and we exchanged numbers in case I needed help again. Since then, he’s helped me out a couple of times because James was useless at male things.

“He moved out last week.” Luke never liked my ex-roommate, and I catch the smile that flickers across his face at the news.

I kick my heels off and almost moan at the instant relief. Heels and I don’t have a good relationship, but I had to wear them tonight. I mean, what else do you wear with a little black dress?

Luke’s gaze is drawn to my feet, and I savour the slow burn of heat as his eyes slowly move back up my body. When they meet my gaze, my legs go weak, and my heart begins beating faster.

He wants me as much as I want him.

How have I missed this?

Holding his gaze, I close the distance between us and place my hand on his chest.

My gaze drops to his lips.

I need those lips on mine.


“Don’t,” he says in his husky voice, and my thoughts come to a screeching halt.


I look back up into his eyes, searching for a sign that I misheard, but the way he’s staring down at me tells me I didn’t.

Conflict sits heavy on his face.

Frowning, I remove my hand from his chest and ask, “Why not?”

His chest rises as he draws a deep, ragged breath. “We don’t want to start something that can’t go anywhere. I don’t want to do that to you.”

I don’t understand his reasoning. “What do you mean it can’t go anywhere? And besides, who said this couldn’t just be a one-night deal?”

His lips press together, and he rakes his fingers through his hair. It’s clear he’s torn over this decision. “We’re friends, have been for a year now, can you honestly see us sleeping together once and then acting like nothing happened?”
