“You know what would help with the exhaustion?”

I cock my head. “What?”

His smile spreads right across his face, lighting his eyes up. “A drink with me.”

“Ummm… I was thinking a swim could be good. I’m not sure about a drink. It’d probably put me to sleep.” My gaze drops to take in the suit he’s wearing. Whoa, this dude is built under that suit. I lift my gaze again to find heat in those gorgeous blue eyes of his.

I could do a drink with him.

Who are you kidding, Callie? You’re not even interested in him.

I could be.

Could not.

Shut up. I could.

“How about you get your swim in while I change out of this suit and then I’ll buy you a drink?”

I smile. “Sounds good. In about an hour?”

He nods. “I’ll meet you at the bar.”

As I check in, I try to muster up some interest in the guy.

He’s hot.

He’s dressed well.

He’s friendly.

Did I mention, hot?

And yet, I hardly see him when I look at him.

All I see—all I ever see—is Luke’s face.

* * *

“What are your plans for the rest of your holiday here?”

I sip some of my vodka and look at the guy sitting across from me—the suit I met when I checked in. I’ve been with him for the last hour and I was ready to leave about fifty-five minutes ago. I’m bored. There’s no spark between us at all and yet I know he wants more time with me. He’s already told me he’s staying here for a week for a conference. I’ve been very cagey about my plans because I don’t want to encourage him.

I check my watch.

Five minutes before the hour is up and I can escape. It would have been rude not to stay for at least an hou


“I’m actually here for a wedding, so I’m busy with my friends. I think they’ve got nearly every minute scheduled.” I laugh. It’s fake as hell. “I’ll be more exhausted by the end of this holiday than when I arrived.”

His smile fades a little. I think he’s realised he’s got no shot here when he stands and says, “It was great meeting you. I hope we can maybe find some time together in the next few days.” He passes me his business card. “Call me if you’re free.”

I watch as he leaves and then look down at the card.

You’ve gotta be kidding me.

A fucking business card?