There’s a moment of silence before I hear Estelle’s voice. “Callie, my darling, how are you?”

I grin. I love that Luke’s mum keeps in touch with me. We speak a couple of times a month. I’ve even managed to get her to use Facebook Messenger. Next, I plan on introducing her to GIFS, but you can’t rush these things. Baby steps. “Hey, Estelle. I’m good. How are you?”

“I’m finally getting married, so that makes me the happiest woman in the world. I swear, never leave anything to the man to organise—they just don’t have the talents us women do in that department.”

“I’m so happy for you and George. It has certainly been a journey to this point, though, hasn’t it?” Their marriage was supposed to happen just over six months ago but Estelle fractured her wrist so they delayed it. Then George fell ill, which meant another delay.

“He’s so worth the wait.” She sounds like a giddy schoolgirl. I love this. She’s shown me it doesn’t matter your age, you can find love at any moment in your life.

“So, the Whitsundays?”

“Yes. Actually, that’s why I’m calling.”


“I want you to come. I’ll pay for your flights and accommodation. It would mean so much to me to have you there.”

I still.

Luke will be there.

I swallow the dryness in my throat. “Umm, I doubt I’d be able to get time off work, sorry, Estelle.” I could definitely get the time off work.

She’s quiet for a moment. “Please, Callie. I know why you would hesitate, but I hope you’ll come anyway. You’re like a daughter to me.”

She’s really pulling out the big guns tonight. I have to admit, though, that I feel like she’s the mother I never had. Estelle has shown me more support and encouragement than my own mother. She’s always checking in on me and cheering me on when I’m having a down day.

I take a deep breath as I prepare to commit to something I’m not sure I should. “When is it?”

“The sixth of August. I’ll be arriving on the third, though, and would like you to come early if you can so we can spend some time together.”

You can do this.

A few days with Estelle and then you can fly back here and put him out of your mind again.

“Okay, I would love to come. Thank you for inviting me.”

Her happiness blares through the phone. We end the call with her promising to send me all the information and tickets tomorrow.

I’ve just hung up from her when Avery calls.

“Babe, please tell me you’re going to Estelle’s wedding.”

She laughs. “I see she’s already asked you. She told me she would. I was going to mention it to you today. And yes, I’ll be there.”

“Oh, thank God! Because I’m not sure I could do Luke without you. Now, tell me how you’re feeling. Did you have your doctor appointment today?”

“Yes, and I’m feeling fine except for this goddamn heartburn I can’t shift.”

“Did Tyler go with you?”

“God, that man will be the end of me. He came and he drove me insane. Callie, he’s trying to dictate what cot I can buy and what pram I can choose. He even started talking about schools today. Schools! For fuck’s sake, the baby isn’t even born yet.”

I can’t help it. I burst out laughing. These two need to just have sex again and get it out of their system. That, and admit once and for all how much they want each other. Seven months of pregnancy has only brought them closer together as they navigate the tricky waters of bringing a child into the world while not together.

“At least your child has a father who is going to be there for it,” I remind her.

“Well, there is that, I guess. And I’m thankful for his involvement, honestly, but he’s being a tad overbearing for my liking.”