She takes a moment before saying, “Have you thought about changing your mind?”

“Yes, but I won’t.”

“Why? If you’re this unhappy and you’ve thought about it, why won’t you take that step back to her?”

I rub the back of my neck. “Fuck. Do we really need to be having this conversation?”

She sits. “Yes.”

I shake my head. “No, we don’t.”

“God, you are so baffling.”

“Are we done here?”

“No! You need to know that Callie is hurting as much as you are. Hell, she’s consuming Harvey at a rate I’ve never seen.”

I frown. “Who the fuck is Harvey?”

“Harvey from Suits. She only binges on him when she’s dying on the inside.”

I ignore the way my heart beats faster at this information. “She knows where I am if she wants to change her mind.”

“She’s not going to change her mind. This one will be up to you to fix.”

“And you know my position, so really, this conversation was not necessary.”

She stands. “You’ll regret this, Luke. I know you will.”

“Regret and I are old friends, Avery. I moved in with him years ago.”

With one last shake of her head, she stalks out of the office, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

And my whisky.

I reach for the bottle and pour a glass. The burn as it goes down is exactly what I’m looking for. Something to concentrate on besides the misery burning through me every fucking minute of every day.



I stare at the television, not seeing anything besides the blur of colours on the screen. Even Harvey isn’t fixing me and he always fixes me.

Dragging my laptop off the couch, I rest it on my lap and check my emails. Hopefully, Josef has replied to my last one. Avery meeting him all those months ago was a blessing in more ways than one. The scriptwriter from Los Angeles has become my online friend along with my own personal cheerleader. He loved my book and has been encouraging me to submit it. I’ve been editing it over the past few weeks as well as working on a new book. The words have been flowing onto the page just like my tears have been. Josef has also been teaching me screenwriting. He’s spent hours going back and forth with me showing me how he works and leading me to resources to improve my craft.

I smile when I see an email waiting for me from Josef. My heart starts beating faster as I read it and I pick up my phone so I can send Avery a text.

Me: Josef says he may have a job for me in LA working on a new TV show.

Avery: Holy fuck!

Me: Right?

Avery: Would you move?

Me: I don’t know.

Avery: Oh God, I would miss you