
I press delete on the keyboard and in frustration type out a new dating profile.

Desperate for sex.

Earns shit money waitressing while desperately trying to get a publishing deal.

Only does yoga to keep core muscles strong – trust me, guys thank me when they fuck me.

Hangs out with the three friends I have.

Reads too much because gets no sex.

Did I mention desperate for sex?

“Really?” A familiar voice sounds from behind me.

I snap my laptop shut and look up to find Luke moving from behind towards the seat across from me. My heart makes itself known as it begins to beat faster and I swallow down the dryness in my throat.

God, why does he always affect me so much?

He sits at my table, and his eyebrows pull in. “I thought you were working today.”

“My shift got cut in half again because it wasn’t busy enough. Figured I’d stay and write here in case they did get busy and needed me.” Story of my life—my income is dwindling to epically low amounts.

His frown grows deeper. “How are you covering your bills?”

“Let’s just say, my savings are taking a hit. I probably should look for a new job.” I hate the idea of looking for a new job and am fairly sure I’ll have to be homeless before I go down that path. Change and I do not go together well, often to my detriment.

He leans back in his seat and runs his fingers through his hair. “Shit, Callie.”

My heart does a little dance at the concern for me I can see on his face and hear in his voice. I’ve known Luke for a year, and he’s always been somewhat of a mystery to me. What I do know is that he’s a few years older than me, and inherited Elixir from his father. His past is somewhat sketchy, and he’s never shared much about it with us. Avery worked for hi

s father for a year before Luke inherited the bar and Luke wasn’t on the scene until his father died. Locals gossip about him, but no solid information has come to light. All I know for sure is that Luke Hardy is honest and takes care of those closest to him, and that’s all that matters to me.

“Why don’t you take on some shifts at Elixir? God knows, I could do with the help after losing a staff member yesterday. And by the way, thanks for helping Avery out last night while I left for a while.”

Do I really want to work for the man I’ve been secretly crushing on for almost a year?

I hesitate. Avoiding his suggestion, I opt to talk about Avery instead. “No worries. Those guys behaved themselves so there were no problems. And we had Tyler watching out, too. Dude, you need to talk to your brother about Avery. He clearly wants her.”

“Why are you changing the subject?” His eyes don’t leave me, and this unnerves me even more. He’s watching me so closely it almost feels intimate.

The dance my heart has been doing turns into a nervous, uncoordinated jig. “I’m not. I’m just pointing something out to you.”

“I don’t involve myself in my brother’s love life.” He continues to hold my gaze, and I know he’s waiting for my response to his suggestion. I’m struggling to understand how nervous he’s making me feel—I never get this nervous with men.

“Thanks for the job offer, but I’m going to follow up on some waitressing gigs I’ve had mentioned to me first. If they don’t pan out, I’ll see if you still need someone.”

“You’ve already got some offers?”

“Yes,” I lie, willing him to either believe me or drop this. I’ve decided it wouldn’t be good for me to be in his presence more than I already am.

“Okay, but let me know if anything changes. Like I said, I could do with the help.”

“I will.” My heart stops doing that jig and resumes normal beats. Thank goodness he’s letting me be, even though I’m sure he can read the truth of the situation.

Leaning forward, he asks, “Why do you keep looking online for love? Every guy you’ve met on there has turned out to be a loser or not your type.”