
“Any news yet?” I asked Nitro and Hyde when I arrived at the clubhouse early the next morning. “Have we got a location yet?”

“No news. No location. I just spoke with Axe and he said to stay close to the phone as he might have something soon,” Nitro said.

I rubbed my temple where a headache was forming. They’d become a daily occurrence again since having to deal with Clark fucking Kent. Not that we knew his real name. We’d named him based on his looks. With any fucking luck, we’d know his name, address, and whether he liked pain or not by the end of the day. The sooner we dealt with this motherfucker, the better, and not just for my head.

Lily was right to call me out on my extreme moods. Since Clark Kent had shown up on the scene two weeks ago, peddling coke sourced from someone other than Storm, I’d grown angrier with each passing day. I’d worked hard to re-establish Storm as king of this fucking city, and I wasn’t fucking backing down on my push to find Kent and deal with him in such a way that other assholes would think more than twice about fucking with my club. Taking my moods home had been unavoidable, and Lily had copped it worse than anyone. In the past, I wouldn’t have given a fuck about any of this, but these days I found myself contemplating shit more.

Hyde met my gaze. “I checked in with Bones last night. Word on the street isn’t good.”

“Fuck,” I muttered. “We need to shut this asshole down. Today.”

Hyde nodded. “Yeah.”

The longer Kent dealt coke not sourced from us, the more likely we were to lose our hold over the city. And that was a place we couldn’t afford to find ourselves in. Especially not now that Winter and I had established Storm’s dominance in Melbourne. One sniff of us losing any part of Sydney and they’d start coming at us down there too.

A text came through on my phone.

Lily: You left without waking me. Will you be out all day?

Me: Not sure.

I’d planned on spending all weekend with her while the kids were at Linc’s, but Axe had texted me just after 6:00 a.m. to let me know he was closing in on Kent, so I’d headed to the clubhouse to wait for news. I was hoping this wouldn’t take hours, because my preference was to spend those hours with her.

Lily: Did you eat?

Me: I’ll grab something soon.

Lily: I’ll bring you something.

Me: No. Go back to sleep.

Lily: I’m bringing you food. I doubt you ate last night. You need sustenance.

I called her. Texting back and forth did my head in. “Don’t bring me anything. I’m sending Kick out to get food.”

“I highly doubt that, King.” Frustration laced her voice.

“Fuck, Lily, I’ve got shit I need to focus on today. The last fucking thing I need is you here distracting me.”

“You won’t even see me. I’ll just put it in the kitchen for you and then leave.”

Another call came through on my phone, so I said, “I’ve gotta go. Don’t bring me anything.”

Without waiting for her reply, I ended the call and answered the incoming one.

It was Axe. “Zane got a hit on a possible location for your guy. Liam is close to it, so he’s gone to check it out.”

Liam worked with Zane and Axe in Zane’s security business. The three of them had flown to Sydney three days ago to help me with this problem.

“Text me the address. I’ll get some of my guys over there too.”

“No, wait until Liam confirms it. There’s no need to waste manpower if it’s not needed.”

“We can’t afford to lose this asshole. Just text me the address.”

“Liam’s not going to lose the guy if he finds him.”