King would be my forever.

And while marrying him was everything I wanted, what if I screwed it all up?

Oh God.

I thought I was feeling better about all this after our talk last night, but it turned out I wasn’t. I still doubted myself.

“Okay, I concede that he might be right about me and my crazy train, but that doesn’t mean I can rearrange everything to make it happen in time. Surely you agree with me on that.” The panic setting in was real. My stomach was a knot of stress.

Monroe joined in. “Oh, honey, you’re forgetting who your friends are. Tatum and I can make anything you want happen. Even if King changes his mind again and wants a wedding tomorrow, we’re your girls.”

“Oh God,” I said, my stress increasing. “Really? I mean, we don’t even have a venue yet. I’m not convinced we can find one this fast.”

Tatum nodded as she headed to my pantry and pulled the tin of Milo from it. Holding it up, she said, “First, we drink. Then, we plan. Even if I have to beg someone for a venue, we will make this happen. And if you ever tell King I was the one who told you he was right, I will deny it until the day I die.”



I’d wasted another fucking day waiting for the location of the motherfucker who was screwing my club over. And Eric Bones had confirmed that more coke had hit the street that wasn’t sourced from Storm.

“Have you heard from Winter today?” Hyde asked, taking the seat opposite mine in my office. He looked as pissed off as I was.

“Yeah. He’s feeling some heat from this.” He’d told me that the Melbourne chapter of Black Deeds was making some noise about taking some of our territory.

“Everyone’s here, ready for you.”

I’d called every member in to go over what we needed to do now. I wasn’t waiting anymore. We’d hunt the city for this asshole and find him ourselves. Before he caused any further problems for us.

Shoving my chair back, I stood and made my way out to the clubhouse bar. All eyes came to me fast as everyone waited for what I had to say. The entire club getting called out at 7:00 p.m. on a Sunday night wasn’t something they were used to, so they knew shit was about to go down.

Looking around the room, I said, “We’ve got a new enemy. One we need to put an end to fast. Tonight, we all go fucking door knocking and find him. I don’t care if you have to kick down doors, drag people out of bed, or cause havoc; we do not fucking stop until we have him.” My voice darkened as I demanded, “Am I understood?”

As they gave me their confirmation, I said, “See Hyde for more information, and if you find this guy, I’m the first to know. You can do whatever you need to do to restrain him, but he comes to me alive.”

I left them and stalked back to my office. Pulling out my phone, I called Lily who took her sweet fucking time answering. “King. Are you coming home soon? Or do you want me to put your dinner—”

“I won’t be home tonight. Don’t keep any dinner for me.”

“Oh, okay.” A slight pause and then—“Is everything okay? You don’t sound happy.”

I scrubbed my face. “Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Ending the call, I placed my phone on the desk and reached for the bottle of whisky behind me. I poured a glass and downed it in one go. It hit the spot, but I needed more to help take the edge off. I was fucking wired for blood. When we found Clark fucking Kent, I would spend hours getting his blood on my hands. And that couldn’t come fucking fast enough.

I threw another glass of whisky down my throat as Wolf stepped into the room. Taking in the expression on his face, I recalled Lily’s words from earlier. I think something’s going on with him. It had fucking pissed me off that his old lady had approached Lily with this shit. And it had also pissed me off that Lily had brought that shit to me.

“What?” I barked, not wanting to hear whatever the fuck he had to say.

“Fuck,” he muttered, unease clear in his voice. “I really hate to come to you with this—”

“Well don’t. Walk back out of this office and go handle the shit you’ve been asked to handle.”

He stared at me in silence. When that silence had passed its use-by date, I said, “Have we got a problem, Wolf?”

He only thought about that for a second. “No.”

“Good, because as far as I’m concerned, I made it clear as fuck what I expect from you tonight, and if you can’t do what I’ve asked, then we’ve got a big fucking problem that I can guarantee you neither of us want.”