I hope you loved this novella as much as I loved writing it. You’ll note there’s some unfinished club business in this story. You’ll see more about that in coming books.

Now I have some chapters for you featuring King & Lily, as well as some of the Sydney Storm couples. I’ve written these chapters over the years of writing this series. You may have read some of them, but there is one that is completely brand new. They take place at various times throughout the timeline of the series. I’ve noted where they fit at the beginning of each chapter. The ones that take place four years after the wedding take place after the epilogue that was in King’s Reign.


PS If you love reading bonus scenes, make sure you join my VIP list so you can get access to my Alpha Vault where I store all my bonus scenes! Catch up with Storm couples you love!

One Month After The Wedding


“King! Are you listening to anything I’m saying?” Lily demanded while she shimmied in an effort to get her dress into place.

I’d heard every word she’d said, but I was more interested in what she was doing than what she was saying. Stepping closer to her, I placed my hand on her hip while running my gaze over her tits. “This dress is far too fucking tight and way too fucking short,” I said.

She looked down at her dress. “You never care what I wear. Why now?”

Curving my hand over her ass, I pulled her flush against my body. “I don’t care that you’re wearing it; I’m only concerned it’s not gonna stay on you for long.”

She sucked in her breath as desire flared in her eyes. Pressing her palms to my chest, she attempted to push me away but I kept her firmly in place. “King, you promised me a date night and you’re making good on that promise.”

“I am making good on it, but you wanna wear shit that gets me hard, you need to accept where that leads.” My voice dropped to a rough gravel as I added, “And tonight, I’m pretty fucking sure that’s gonna lead to me fucking you while we’re out.”

Skylar’s voice sounded from outside our bedroom. “Lily, can I borrow that navy dress of yours? You know the one you wore to Robbie’s award ceremony last week?”

“Fucking hell,” I muttered. “How fucking hard is it to get you to myself for fucking once?”

Since our wedding a month ago, life had been hectic and I hadn’t had my wife to myself for even a day. My time with her at night had also been cut into because she’d been exhausted from work and family stuff.

Lifting up onto her toes, she kissed me before saying, “I’m going to sort everyone out and then we’re leaving. And you’re going to play nice with your sister or I’m going to withhold husband privileges tonight.”

Gripping the back of her neck, I growled, “Like fuck you are.” Reaching my other hand down, I roughly slid it under her dress and up to her panties. “I haven’t had you for two fucking days; there’s no fucking way I’m not having you tonight.”

She moaned as I circled her clit and pushed two fingers inside her.

Skylar knocked on the door. “King, stop whatever you’re doing to Lily; I need to talk to her.”

I watched Lily wage a silent war over wanting me to finger fuck her versus giving my sister what she wanted. In the end, she said, “King, stop. I’ve barely spoken to Skylar this week. You’re going to need to give me a little time with her.”

With a fuckload of regret, I gave her what she wanted and let her go. Stalking to the door, I yanked it open and looked down at my sister. “You—”

Pushing me out of the way, she cut me off. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. You’re shitty and I only have one minute with Lily, blah, blah, blah. Go take a chill pill and gimme some time with my girl. I’ve hardly seen her all week.”

She was raving to Lily about some shoes she’d seen yesterday before I had a chance to get a fucking word in, so I left them to it, calling out over my shoulder, “Five minutes, Lily.”

I ran into Robbie as I headed into the kitchen. He rounded the corner and collided with me. “Sorry!”

Steadying him, I said, “What’s the rush, mate?”

His eyes blazed up with excitement. “Zara said she’ll play Monopoly with me while you and Mum go out for dinner!”

Robbie loved board games; Zara not so much. I’d pulled her aside earlier today and asked her to help Skylar look after him tonight while we were out. The kids at school had been giving him a hard time lately, and I knew that some time with his sister would be good for him. Holly usually came through for me when I asked her to look out for him, but she was at a sleepover with a friend tonight, so I couldn’t rely on her. Zara had surprised the fuck out of me when she’d said yes with no arguments.

I followed him into the lounge room where Zara sat on the floor setting up the game. She glanced up at me with a smile. “Did Robbie tell you his plan for all of us for tomorrow night, King?”


“For family night, he wants us all to eat tacos for dinner and then do a marathon of Harry Potter movies.” She was fucking grinning at me because she knew I didn’t have it in me to watch those movies one more fucking time. Hell, Robbie could watch Harry Potter every day he loved it that much. I’d already sat through all the movies with him three times since moving in.