“Are we wading through flood waters?” I joked.

The look he gave me told me it wasn’t so much of a joke. “Something like that.”

As he turned to go back outside, I grabbed his arm and stopped him. “Honestly, why do we need the boots? I don’t want to be wading through water in this dress.”

“We are not wading through water, Lil,” Brynn said, joining us. “I mean, that dress cost a fortune. Surely King understands that brides do not walk through muddy, dirty floodwater.”

I looked down at the soft floaty tulle of my skirt. It had sparkly stars scattered over it and was the prettiest skirt I’d owned in my life. I’d layered it over a tea-rose slip dress and felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. Brynn was right; there was no way I was walking through floodwater in this dress.

Kick held up his hand to quieten us. “You won’t be wading through water. The boots are just for getting in and out of the dinghy. And the grass is pretty waterlogged so the gumboots will be best for that, too.”

“A dinghy?” Mum looked horrified. “Dear God.”

I didn’t even bother to quiz him on the need for a boat. He was being as freaking cagey about details as King. “And I guess you won’t tell me where this grass is either, will you?”

He chuckled. “King will have my ass if I tell you that.”

I rolled my eyes. “Figures.”

“Okay,” Devil rounded us all up. “We need to get on the road.”

Everyone piled out of the house and into the two vans they had outside. I sat in between Zara and Holly, holding their hands.

“You look beautiful, Mum,” Holly said, squeezing my hand. “King is going to lose his shit over your beauty, not the fact you’re late. And he’s gonna lose it in a good way. I’m pretty sure we’re going to see a whole new side of King at this wedding.”

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, baby. I’m not as sure, though. I think we’ve seen all the sides of King there are to see.” And if I knew my man like I thought I did, he wasn’t wowed by beauty in the way she thought he would be. King was wowed by actions. And he sure as hell had never softened simply by seeing me in a pretty dress.

“I think she’s right,” Zara chimed in.

I let go of their hands and spread my arms across their shoulders. Pulling them close, I said, “You girls are good with this, right? I mean, we’ve talked about me marrying King a lot, but I just want to check in with you both one last time.”

Holly shifted in her seat so she faced me. “You need to stop worrying so much about us. We love him and how happy he makes you, and how he pulls your crazy back in line most of the time. And Robbie”—she glanced to the front of the van where Robbie sat talking excitedly with Devil—“well, clearly he loves being around all this testosterone. I’ve never seen him take to someone how well he took to King. The kid is coming out of his shell thanks to your man so stop freaking worrying. We clear?”

“Oh God,” I laughed, “Stop saying that.” Holly had taken to speaking like King with her “we clear” bullshit. She used it on me as often as she could. Half as a joke, but half not. She’d also taken to learning as much about bikes from him as she could. And she was right: all three of my kids loved hanging out with King. Especially Robbie. It melted my heart watching King’s patience with my son. The man had little patience for me most of the time, but he had all the patience in the world for Robbie.

“Okay,” I said, “I’m officially not worrying over this now. You’ve all given your blessing and I’m marrying King.”

I grabbed my phone and sent him a text.

Me: The good news is I’m on my way. The bad news is I have underwear on.

Me: But I made sure there are bows…

Me: That you can untie…

Me: And then for later, I have some other things for you…

He called while I was in the m

iddle of another text. “Stop fucking texting me and tell whoever’s driving to drive fucking faster.”

I love my man.

“Where’s the wedding, King?”

He turned silent for a beat. “Remember that block of land we found by accident that you loved?”

My breathing slowed.