
“At this rate, you won’t even make it home in time. They’ve started closing parts of the coast road.”


“And I doubt—”

“Lily!” I barked. “Calm the fuck down and listen to me. I’ll be there. I don’t care what the fuck I have to do to ensure that, but I will be there. And I’ve almost sorted out the venue, so you concentrate on the dress and stop fucking worrying.”

“What venue?”

“A venue you’re going to fucking love.”

“Well I need to know where it is so I can choose a place for the reception that’s not too far.”

“Jesus, woman, I’ll figure that out too. For the love of Christ, where’s your sister?”

“She’s here, but—”

“Put her on.” When she started to argue, I barked again, “Lily! Put Brynn on the fucking phone. Now.”

The sound of rustling and swearing filled my ears, but a moment later, Brynn came on the phone. “Yes, your highness.”

Brynn could be a fucking smartass, but for the way she could pull Lily into line, I ignored her shit. “I need you to help Lily find a dress. That’s all she has to do. I’m taking care of everything else. Can you do that?”

“There are so many things I could say to that question right now, King. For example, the fact you even asked rather than just told me—”

“Brynn, I asked you one simple question. I only need one simple answer.” Fuck, these Bennett women were testing me today.

“Well the answer is yes, but you do know that she has Tatum and Monroe helping her organise everything already, don’t you? I don’t think they need you to do anything except help figure out the venue.”

I wasn’t aware of that, but I could work with it.

“Put Lily back on. And don’t let her worry over this shit all week.”

As she handed the phone to her sister, I heard Brynn mutter, “Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into with him, Lily? No way in hell would I be able to put up with him.”

“What did you say to her?” Lily demanded.

“I have to go. And I won’t be anywhere near my phone for hours, so don’t call.”

I ended the call and immediately phoned Tatum.

“King,” her voice came on the line, “Why are you calling me?”

“Trust me, Tatum, it wasn’t my preference either, but I need a favour.” Fuck.

“This should be interesting.”

I then rattled off everything I wanted her to do for the wedding. By the end of the call, I knew this would probably be something I’d regret. Asking Tatum for anything always was.

When Havoc restrained someone, he did a good fucking job of it. We found Kent hanging upside down, legs tied together at the ankles, hands zip-tied together, arms secured by his waist with rope, and tape wrapped around his head, covering his mouth.

Hyde and Nitro cut him down while I dragged a chair over to sit on. Kent blinked rapidly as he watched me. He grunted and groaned in an effort to talk, but the tape restricted him.

When they had him on the cement floor, Hyde took a handful of his hair and yanked his head up to look him in the eyes. “You ready to talk, motherfucker, or do you need some encouragement?”

Nitro wasn’t as patient. While Hyde had his face angled up, Nitro delivered a ferocious punch to his jaw. Another few followed, and more after that, hard and fast, inflicting maxi