I placed the glass I was holding down and pressed both hands to the desk either side of me. Putting all my weight on my hands, I lifted my ass so I could slide across the desk, closer to him. The red dress that Adelaide had insisted I wear, barely covered my thi

ghs, and his gaze finally dropped to my legs.

“King,” I started, as I tried to swing my leg closest to him around to settle in between his legs.

He stopped me, though. Placing his hand on my thigh, he held my leg down. “I said no.” Forceful again. I couldn’t work out why he was so against this. What man said no to a woman who was practically throwing herself at him?

I narrowed my eyes at him. And then I asked him the strangest question that I knew the answer to even as it fell out of my mouth. But damn it, the alcohol loosened my tongue, so I had little control over what I said. “Are you gay? Or do I just not do anything for you?”

Before I knew what was happening, he moved to stand in between my legs, wrapped one hand around my throat, and growled, “You don’t wanna go there with me, Lily. I am not the kind of man a woman like you fucks.”

My heart and soul roared to life as my veins pulsed with desire.

Oh God.

He was exactly the kind of man I needed to fuck me.

I needed wild, uncaged and raw.

I’d had enough humdrum, monotonous sex to last me a lifetime.

I ached for the kind of encounters that left me breathless.

My heart racing.


I didn’t want to know what was coming next.

I craved thrills and surprises.

To be jolted and rocked and pushed into tasting life like never before.

I wanted a man so hungry for me that he’d lose himself to his animal side.

This man would give me all that. I saw it in his eyes. Heard it in his voice. Recognised it in the way he held himself and moved.

“No, you’re not,” I agreed, because it was the truth, “But I can’t get you out of my mind. Just give me one night. I just need one night where I don’t think about all the shit I have to deal with in my life.” I curled my hand around his wrist. “And I think you do, too.”

He inhaled sharply before exhaling the breath and running his gaze over my body. All the while, he kept his hand around my neck. He didn’t speak, but everything about him told me what I needed to know.

King wanted to fuck me.

I’d never had to encourage a man to sleep with me, nor had I ever really been the one to initiate sex. I loved sex, but I wasn’t overly adventurous with it or confident when it came to asking for what I wanted. However, I really wanted it tonight, so I tried to force his hand.

I reached for his belt and undid it. I almost had his zip down when he let me go and stepped away from me.

Eyes flashing with fire, he growled, “This isn’t fucking happening, Lily. You need to get off that desk and go the fuck home.”

“Why?” I demanded as I slid off the desk so I could move close to him again. “I felt you, King. You want this as much as I do.”

His control finally snapped, and he backed me up against the desk. Taking hold of my throat again, he said, “You have no fucking idea what I want. If you did, you’d run and never come back.” He paused, lowering his gaze to my chest. His eyes lingered there for a long few moments, which only served to make me more needy. I didn’t care if he thought I should run from him. I wanted him to devour me. When he met my gaze again, he said, “You need to leave before it’s too fucking late for both of us.”

I gripped his biceps. “I don’t know what you mean, but I don’t care. I’m not leaving.”

He dropped his head and rasped, “Fuck.” It took him a few moments to lift it again, and when he did, I sucked in a breath at the change in his eyes.

I’d never had a man look at me the way King was.