“Sit him against the wall,” I said as I reached into my back pocket for the pliers I’d brought with me. It was either them or the knife, and today I was in the mood for a little teeth pulling.

Alan did his best not to show fear as I crouched in front of him again, but it flickered in his eyes. I held up the pliers. “How much do you like your teeth, Alan?”

“Fuck you,” he said, before spitting in my face.

I saw red.

It fucking blinded me.

My taste for blood roared stronger than it had in a long time.

Hyde gripped Alan’s jaw and held his mouth open, while I took hold of his front tooth with the pliers. “You want to keep this tooth, start fucking talking.”

His face flashed with horror. “Fuck, man! I don’t know who it was! I swear.”

I didn’t hesitate—I ripped his tooth out, the crunch of it satisfying as fuck, while he writhed on the floor, trying to escape Hyde’s hold.

“Oh fuck, fuck, man… fucking hell!” Alan chanted his words as if they would make everything better. Nothing would make it better for him now, because even when he gave me what I wanted, I had no intention of leaving this house until he had suffered for what he’d don


Grasping another tooth with the pliers, I demanded, “You like this tooth, motherfucker?”

He tried to fight Hyde and turn his head away, but failed. He was a mess of blood and fear, and I figured I almost had him where I needed him.

Turned out I was a lot closer to that than I realised. He mumbled something I could barely make out, so I let go of his tooth and said, “What?”

His chest heaved with what appeared to be relief when Hyde also let him go. “It was Tony Romano. He paid me.”

I dumped the pliers on the floor so I could pull him up. Sitting him in the armchair next to the bed, I barked, “Now is the time to keep talking. Otherwise, I swear to fucking God, I’ll yank every last fucking tooth from that mouth of yours.”

He only hesitated for a moment before spewing the information out. He couldn’t get it out fast enough. Romano’s men had hired him and one of his mates to take out as many of our club members as they could in the next week. His goal at Mace’s this morning had been to kill him, but Mace’s neighbour had interrupted him before he could finish the job. Unfortunately they had no way of contacting Romano’s men to set up a meet that we could intercept. The deal had been for them to wait to be contacted again. We discovered too late that their houses had been bugged so Romano’s men could keep watch of them. That meant they now knew we’d found these guys. They were useless to us.

Hyde’s face turned thunderous as he shoved a pen and piece of paper at Alan. “Write your friend’s name and address down. And make sure it’s the right fucking address.”

Alan scribbled the information as Hyde pulled rope from the bag he’d brought with him. We tied the asshole up, ensuring there was no way in hell he’d be able to escape. Grabbing the paper with the address on it, I looked down at Alan and said, “Sit tight. We’ll be back once we’ve paid your friend a visit.” I failed to mention the fact that neither of them would live to see another day. That information would be my gift to him when I returned.

“King, you crazy motherfucker! It seems you’ve finally gone and pissed someone off enough for them to come at you,” Nash Walker said later that afternoon when he and some of the Brisbane chapter arrived.

I threw some of the whisky sitting in front of me down my throat. Hyde and I had spent the last hour in here drinking after taking care of the two assholes sent by Romano. The buzz filling my veins was exactly what I fucking needed.

Scott Cole joined us, and I motioned for Kree to pour a round of drinks for everyone. “Heard you and Hyde got your hands a little dirty this afternoon,” he said.

I drained my glass. “Not fucking dirty enough as far as I’m concerned.”

The bar filled up as Griff, J, and Havoc eventually found their way inside, and my men returned from a long day out dealing with club business.

It had been eight days since Jen and her baby had been murdered. Between keeping the club running, ensuring the safety of our families, and chasing our fucking tails trying to find Romano, we’d hardly drawn breath. All of us were wound so fucking tight that we were close to breaking point. Cole and his boys arriving gave us a breather from the stress.

As the sounds of laughter and loud, alcohol-fuelled discussions filled the bar, Axe motioned for me to follow him and Zane outside. The rain that had fallen all day had subsided, but thunder continued to roll through the sky, with the occasional flash of lightning.

“I just heard back from my guy, and he was right that the cops have stuff on Bronze. They’ve been watching him for a few months and also have a source who’s been feeding them information. You think he’d turn on you for them?” Axe said.

I shook my head. “No. He’s gone.”


“We’d always agreed that if shit came to this, I’d set him up with cash, a new identity, and a network to help him disappear. I did that today. He’s long gone.”