I did as she asked and then sat on the bed again, watching her closely

for a sign—any sign—that she was going to be okay. When she looked at me after taking her drugs and said, “Remember the miscarriage I had when we were together?” I knew that was my sign. Somehow, we’d moved past the standoff we were at.

I nodded. “Yes.” I’ll never fucking forget it.

Ivy had fallen pregnant a couple of months after the night I’d almost forced myself on her. It had been a rare night where we’d connected again and the sex had been good, like old times, rather than rushed and just a release for each of us. I’d held hope the pregnancy would bring us back together, but six weeks later, that hope had been killed and she’d pulled away from me again. It had been one of our darkest moments together.

A tear slid down her cheek. “I was a bitch to you after that.”

She had been, but so much other shit had already gone on between us, that by then, we were both at fault. “It’s in the past, Ivy. We both did some fucked-up shit.”

More tears fell and she wiped them away. “Yeah, but I shouldn’t have pushed you away and treated you so badly. I’m sorry for that.”

Regret sat heavy in my chest as I thought about that time in our lives. There’d been so much confusion and so many misunderstandings, and if I could take that shit back, I would. But I wouldn’t change the fact we weren’t in each other’s lives anymore, because that was the only thing that actually made sense. We would have destroyed each other if we hadn’t made that break.

I stood as I said, “Get some sleep.”

Leaving the room, I didn’t look back.

Never fucking look back was how I lived life, and now was not the time to change it.



* * *

“You’re going to be fine,” Lily said, trying to assure Skylar, who looked anything but convinced she was going to be fine.

I was taking her home today, and she’d just spent the last fucking ten minutes freaking out about how she was gonna cope without the support she’d had while in hospital. Lily had to be one of the most patient women I’d ever come across. The way she remained calm with my sister impressed the fuck out of me.

Panic crossed Skylar’s face. “I might not be! King still hasn’t been able to find a physio off your list who can fit me in. What am I gonna do without you, Lily?”

“Jesus,” I muttered, losing my patience, but Lily’s eyes cut to mine and she hit me with a look that told me to rein it in.

“I’m going to give you my phone number, okay?” Lily said to Skylar as she sat next to her on the bed and held out her hand for Skylar’s phone. “And if you need to chat or need me to talk you through anything at all, you call me.”

Skylar passed over her phone and fuck if Lily’s offer didn’t calm her down a little.

Lily keyed her number in, handed the phone back, stood and then said with a level of bossiness that Skylar responded to, “Right, up you get. I’ve got another patient I have to see, and your brother looks like he’s about to lose his shit if you guys don’t get moving soon.”

My brows arched as I met Lily’s gaze. Her serious expression disappeared and a ghost of a smile flickered across her face. It didn’t last long, and as soon as she turned back to Skylar, it was gone, but it sparked a smile of my own.

I watched as she helped Skylar up, all the while talking positive shit to her. It reminded me of how Margreet used to encourage us as kids and how she always had the ability to stay focused and calm, even when we gave her hell. Lily’s words blurred into the background as my gaze drifted down her body. Fuck, she owned some serious curves and a tight ass. The kind that usually gave me a hard-on. If I wasn’t knee-fucking-deep in club shit at the moment, I’d have paid more attention to those curves by now.

“King!” Skylar’s voice sliced through my thoughts, drawing my focus back to the situation at hand. “I’m ready to go.”

I nodded as I continued eyeing Lily. When I made it back up her body and found her watching me, she blinked and immediately dropped her gaze before turning to Skylar and mumbling a goodbye. A moment later, she exited the room, confusing the hell out of me as to what the fuck just happened.

“King, can you take this?” Skylar asked, passing me her iPad.

I packed it into her bag and gathered her shit while she sat in the wheelchair the wardie had waiting to take her downstairs. Ten minutes later, I had her settled in the car, ready to take back to the clubhouse when Hyde called.

“I’ve got some good news finally,” he said. “Ghost has someone organised to take care of Marx.”

