“It’s his ass,” I said, deadpan. “Because it sure isn’t his friendly vibes or anything like that.”

Her smile morphed into a laugh. “Honestly, I’ve watched women throw themselves at him, even when he turns assholey on them.”

I shrugged. “What can I say? We women are screwed up when it comes to men. I’ve always liked the bad boys, but almost everything about your brother tells me he’s more than just a bad boy. I’d take that ass, though.”

She continued to laugh. “I like you, Lily. You just say it like it is.”

I gathered my stuff to leave. I still had two more patients to see before I could go home and lay down the law to my daughter. “Between an ex I wanna strangle, three kids who cause me heart palpitations most days, and a mother who tests my patience with her crazy-ass way of living, I don’t have the time in my life or the energy to say it like it isn’t.” I paused for a beat before smiling at her and adding, “I’ll be back tomorrow morning. Do those exercises I gave you, okay?”

She nodded. “I wouldn’t dream of not doing them. My physio is bossy and will give me hell if I don’t.”

“Yes she is, and yes she will,” I agreed before exiting her room.

I’d almost made it to the lift at the end of the corridor when King came towards me, a look of deep concentration on his face. I had no idea what was going on his life, but from what I’d observed of him so far, it felt like he was dealing with something big.

His eyes met mine as we moved closer, and I did my best to ignore the way his attention stirred butterflies in my stomach. I’d never met a man like King before. He exuded power without even trying. It surprised me that I found this a turn on, because I’d never been about a man taking charge of me. But a girl had no freaking say over what got her excited, as much as she tried. And God knew, I’d tried.

“Thanks for all your work with Skylar.”

The butterflies in my stomach flapped their wings all over the place as his voice vibrated across my skin.

I decided then and there that dangerous wasn’t a strong enough word to describe King. If a man could elicit this kind of response simply from uttering a few words, I didn’t want to imagine how I would react to anything more. It was a good thing his sister would be going home in a couple of days.

I smiled. “Just doing my job.”

“Something tells me that you doing your job means a lot more than what it would mean for most people.”

My breathing slowed.

Not many patients or their family members acknowledged the efforts I went to. Most just thanked me and moved on to the next phase of their recovery.

“Thank you. That means a lot.”

His gaze swept down my body briefly before coming back to meet mine, and oh good freaking Lord did that cause a riot in my belly.

Dangerous? Freaking hazardous, more like it.

“I’ll go through this list of physios this afternoon and will be back in touch if I need you.”

With that, he left me to go back into his sister’s room, leaving me staring after him wondering what he meant by getting back in touch if he needed me. His statement bamboozled me, but then again, maybe it was just his ass that did that.

“Shit,” I muttered to myself. I had better things to do than stand here lusting after a man who probably went through more women in a month than I went through men in a decade.

I’m going to get through this weekend.

I’m going to survive my kids.

I’m not going to kill my mother.

I slid down the bath and submerged my entire body as I chanted positive affirmations that not even I believed.

I quite possibly might kill Linc.

That one rang true.

I’d had to drag him over this afternoon after I got home from work to retract his approval for Zara to go on a date tonight. He hadn’t wanted to, because he hated not being the fun parent, but I’d threatened to report him for late child support payments if he didn’t. Heaven knew why I hadn’t already. When we’d divorced, I promised myself I’d do everything to keep his relationship with the kids close, and for some fucked-up reason that I couldn’t let go of, I thought that not reporting him would help with that. He always came through with the money in the end, so while it could be stressful, it always worked out. If that changed, I’d definitely reconsider my stance.

I came up for air as a knock sounded on my bathroom door, followed by my sister’s voice. “Lil, can I come in?”