“Cheers!” Adelaide grinned at me as she raised her glass. “And now it’s time for us to find you a man who will fuck that celibacy out of you.”

I returned her grin and nodded. “Hell yes!”

After dropping Robbie to Linc after his karate class, I’d called my bestie and begged her to take me out for the night. It was the perfect opportunity; it wasn’t often I had a Saturday night to myself. Addy had rounded up the girls and we’d arrived at the club just over an hour ago. I had enough alcohol in me that all my problems didn’t seem like problems anymore. Fuck, even Linc could call me and say pretty much anything without pissing me off.

After I’d taken a long gulp of my cocktail, I eyed Quinn who sat next to me. “Are you still seeing that butcher? The one from the butcher shop with all the hot dudes.” It was my favourite butcher to buy meat from. I swore they had a policy of only hiring sexy men with beards.

Mmm, beards… King had a beard.

Shit, where did that thought come from?

Stop kidding yourself. You’ve been thinking about that man for days.

Quinn waggled her brows. “Yes, and he’s fucking good in bed. Let the record show how much I love you, babe. I had plans with him for hot sex tonight, but I cancelled that for you.”

“Aww, you loves me, Quinny,” I gushed as I leant my head on her shoulder for a moment.

Our other friend Georgia laughed from across the table. “I love it when Lily gets drunk. She gets that smooshy, lovey vibe going.”

“Yes!” agreed Addy. “I love watching her hit on guys when she’s all smooshy. They bloody fall at her feet.”

“Girl, they do that even when she’s not drunk,” Quinn said.

Adelaide laughed. “She’s been celibate for so long I’d forgotten that.”

“I’m right here and can hear everything you’re saying,” I said.

Quinn smiled at me. “And you’re all smooshy, so you don’t really care what we’re saying.”

“True,” I said and then drank some more of my cocktail, smiling like a loon.

My phone buzzed with a text.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, that better not be Linc,” Adelaide muttered.

“I’m ignoring it if it is,” I said, checking the text.

* * *

King: Your brakes still good?

* * *

My tummy did somersaults. We’d been exchanging texts since he had one of his guys fix my brakes. Mostly he checked in on my car, and I checked in on Skylar. So nothing fun, but I couldn’t deny I got a thrill every time I saw his name pop up on my phone.

* * *

Me: I guess so.

King: You guess so?

Me: Well I’m not out driving around at the moment. I’m getting trashed and looking for a man.

* * *

He didn’t come back with a reply, which disappointed me.

“Who was it?” Adelaide asked as I stared at the phone, willing him to send another text.