“And his family?” Zane asked.

Neither of them knew Bronze’s story, so I filled them in on how we came to work together before adding, “Devil is with Bronze’s sister, and I’ve let him know what’s happened. He’ll make sure she and her family are taken care of. Bronze knows that.”

“I hope you’re right about him,” Axe said. “He could cause you a lot of problems if you’re not.”

“Yeah, he could. But he won’t.” Bronze and I may have had a lot of fucking disagreements over the last seven years and gone head-to-head often, and he may have been on the other side of the law to me, but we were connected in ways no one knew about and would never know about. That was as per Bronze’s wish. Those ways hadn’t been planned, and I’d never done the things I’d done for him as a strategic move to keep him in my pocket, but I knew deep in my bones that because of what I’d done, Bronze would never turn on me or the club.

I watched as a car drove up the driveway towards us. Narrowing my eyes, I tried to figure out who it belonged to. It was almost 6:00 p.m. and I wasn’t expecting anyone.


Skylar was expecting her.

My belly tightened.

Fuck, the physiotherapist with a body made for fucking. Every time I saw her, I noticed something new about her. Yesterday it had been the way her neck flushed when she was cranky and bossy. And fuck had she ordered me around. Anyone else who tried to pull that shit on me wouldn’t make it through the front door of this clubhouse again, but there were two things about this woman that altered that consequence. One, Skylar needed her, so I chose to put up with her attitude. And two, there was something about Lily’s smart mouth that turned me the fuck on. However, as much as I may have wanted to fuck her senseless, I wouldn’t risk putting Skylar’s rehab at risk. Women did some crazy fucking shit after I screwed them. I wasn’t interested in anything but sex, and I could get that anywhere, so I’d keep my dick in my pants where Lily was concerned.

But that was easier said than done when she was standing in front of me. And when she’d massaged me yesterday, I’d gone to fucking war with myself over wanting her. I’d given her ten minutes to rub that shit into my skin. It was nine minutes more than I could handle. As I’d walked her out, I’d decided to find some pussy to work that need out of my system. But club business had gotten in the way, and I never got around to that. So here I was, a good two weeks since I’d been laid, thinking about all the ways I’d make a woman I’d never fuck, come.

“Fuck,” I muttered, “I’ve got shit to do.”

Ignoring Axe’s and Zane’s confused expressions, I turned and headed back inside, not stopping until I made it to my office. Sitting at my desk, I pulled out the bottle of whisky I kept in my drawer and took a long swig as I thought about going in search of a club whore. While neither of the ones here today were my preference, that didn’t matter. Both were good with my needs and more than willing to let me fuck them how I wanted.

I shoved the whisky bottle back in the drawer and stood to leave when the half-opened office door creaked open some more. “King? Are you in here?” The door opened all the way and Lily smiled up at me. “Sorry to barge in, but I have some information to give you. I saw you outside so wanted to catch you now in case you leave while I’m with Skylar.”

I stared down at her, taking in the tight jeans she seemed to like to wear. Her long dark hair was long enough to cover her tits, but today they were on fill display because she’d swept her hair up into a ponytail. Fuck, my dick jerked to life as I thought about running my tongue down between her breasts while I wrapped my hands around her throat.


“Yeah.” I dragged my eyes up to her face and found her watching me intently, her face flushed. “What information?”

She thrust some papers at me. “Just some recommendations for furniture and other things that would help Skylar’s recovery. Mostly, she needs a different chair to sit in. The one she has is too low. And she also needs a stool to keep her feet up.”

I took a step back to rest against the desk and look over the information. She’d detailed the items and listed places where I could get them. Glancing at her, I said, “Thanks for this. I appreciate it.”

She smiled again. “If you need help with any of it, just call me.” Moving next to me, she reached for one of the pieces of paper. Pointing at it, she said, “And this guy? I know him well, so if you mention my name, he might give you a discount.” Handing the paper back to me, she frowned. “Are you okay?”

Jesus, she was closer than I’d prefer, but I didn’t shift away from her. Not when she smelt so fucking good. “Yeah. Why?”

“You’re grimacing. Have you got another headache?”

I was grimacing due to her proximity, not another headache, but before I could answer her question, she dumped her bag on the desk and madly searched in it for something. Pulling out her bottle of peppermint oil, she said, “Here, let me rub some more into your temples.”

Grabbing her wrist to slow her, I shook my head. “I don’t have a headache.”

She stopped and looked down at my hand around her wrist, before looking back up at me. “Oh, okay. That’s good.” Her words were a little breathless, which only fucked with my dick some more.

We watched each other in silence for a few moments, until her phone rang. Digging it out of her bag, she pursed her lips together and said, “Sorry, I have to get this. It’s Linc.”

I nodded, expecting her to take it outside of the office, but instead, she put the phone to her ear and said, “What’s up, Linc?”

As she listened, her face twisted with what I assumed to be frustration. Holding her free hand up in the air, she said, “Hold up a minute. You agreed to help the kids with their homework and assignments, so why are you guys at the movies?”

Linc said something, to which she replied, “This is bullshit. And it means that I’m going to be up late with Zara tomorrow night helping her, because her assignment is due on Friday. If I’d known you had no intention of working on that tonight, I wouldn’t have let them sleep over. I could have

split the assignment time over two nights that way.”

I watched with amusement as Lily waved her hands all over the place throughout the rest of the conversation. She was pointing and jabbing her fingers as if he were standing in front of her. When the call ended, she looked at me with wide eyes and said, “Oh my God, I could kill that man! Do you know what he’s done now?”