I stared at him, incredulous at the way he was treating me. “Fine,” I muttered, throwing my stuff into my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. “Let’s go.”

He led me through the clubhouse, out to where I’d parked my car. We didn’t say a word to each other, and he grunted at anyone in his way to move. This was the asshole King that my boss had warned me about that first day in the hospital. I’d never met a man like him, and I really didn’t like him when he acted this way.

He pushed through the front door of the clubhouse and held it open for me to exit. Our eyes met for a moment as I passed by, but still, no words were exchanged. It wasn’t until I was halfway to my car that he finally said something. “Thanks for what you said to Skylar today.”

I slowed.

And turned.

The tone of his voice had softened, as had the hard lines on his face.

My brows pulled together as I asked, “You spoke with her after I finished?” That made no sense, though, because he’d been in the office at that time.

He shook his head. “No.”

I walked back to where he stood. “I’m confused, King. How do you know what I said to her?”

His eyes bored into mine. “I stopped by to see you during her session.”

“But you didn’t come in.”

“You were laying down the law with her, and she needed to hear that, so I didn’t interrupt. Fuck knows she doesn’t listen to me when I tell her the same shit.”

“I’m hopeful she listened to me.”

“She did.”

I smiled. “Good. I’m glad.” I took a step back. “I’ll be over again tomorrow afternoon to see her.”

He nodded, but didn’t say anything further.

As I drove down the driveway to the gate, I peered in my rear-view mirror and found him watching me. God, he was a complex man. One minute, so rude and gruff, the next, not as hard and much more likable. I had to wonder how the people in his life put up with him. I wasn’t sure I could ever put up with a man like him.



* * *

I rubbed the back of my neck as I listened to the shit pouring out of Bronze’s mouth. None of it was anything I wanted to hear.

I cut him off. “It’s fucking bullshit, Bronze. I want Nitro out of there, and I want you to find out what the fuck is going on with that now that Marx is dead.”

“I’m telling you, King, they’re not releasing him anytime soon. Ryland is gunning for you harder now than he ever was. He’s convinced you’re behind Marx’s death. And as for you getting in to see Nitro, forget it. They’re not letting anyone in to see him.”


Everything had turned to shit yesterday morning after Marx had been found dead in his cell. My visit with Nitro had been cancelled, as had Tatum’s for later in the week. The lawyer hadn’t been able to find out much, and then Billy had stuck his fucking nose in after Tatum involved him. I needed Nitro out of there fast.

“Why am I paying you, Bronze? If you can’t fucking do what I need done, I’m just sinking cash into a black fucking hole of no return. Get this shit sorted.”

I ended the call and slammed my phone down onto the desk. This day was going from bad to worse. After a failed lead on Romano’s whereabouts this morning and then one of my men being beaten up in his home, I could have done with some good news for once. The headache Lily managed to ease last night had come back full force.

“King, are you okay?”

I lifted my head to find Ivy standing in the office doorway, watching me with concern. Since her attitude towards me had thawed three days ago, she and I had engaged in a few conversations. I’d done my best to stay clear of her, but we ran into each other randomly, and she seemed to want to talk.

“Yeah. You?”