“Let Tatum know. The less she feels the need to ring me, the better.”

“Will do.”

“Any news on Romano?”

“Nothing yet. I do have news on Ivy, though.”

I followed the wardie and Skylar to the lift. “What?”

“She’s looking for you.”


“She’s harassing the fuck out of Winter about seeing you.”

“Tell her I’m busy, Hyde.” Seeing Ivy was the last thing on my agenda for today.

“You ever tried to tell Ivy something she doesn’t wanna hear? She’s fucking stubborn.”

“Yeah. I know.” Did I fucking know. “She can wait.”

“Fuck,” he muttered.

“You get Monroe out of town?”

“She left this morning. I hope to fucking hell we get this shit sorted soon because she’s headed down to Melbourne to see Charlie who’s staying with Tenille. Those women could kill each other if left together for long enough.”

I gripped my phone harder. “We need to make a new plan to get to Romano. I’m on my way back there now. Get Axe and Zane in on this too.”

As I ended the call, I eyed Lily ahead. “I’ll meet you downstairs, Skye,” I said, leaving her with the wardie while I cut a path to where Lily stood going over her files.

“King,” she said, glancing up from her work. Her eyes held uncertainty, wariness maybe, but they also held the kind of warmth I didn’t often come across in my world. And again, it reminded me of Margreet.

“Will you work with Skylar on her rehab?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t do private physio work. Have you got many left to call from that list I gave you?”

“I’ve called them all. None have any spare appointments.”

She frowned. “Oh. I thought Skylar said you still had some left to try.”

“You saw how anxious she is about this shit. I haven’t told her they’re all busy. I was hoping you might be able to squeeze her in.”

“No, sorry, like I said, I don’t do any work outside of the hospital.” She shifted her weight onto one leg, drawing my attention down those legs again. Fuck, I really needed to get laid. I needed to drive some of this fucking tension out of my body.

Forcing my gaze back up to her face, I said, “I’ll pay you whatever you want.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but quickly shut it again. Then she said, “I honestly don’t have time between my kids and work. Sorry. There are plenty of good physios out there. You’ll find someone.”

With that, she gave me one last smile and walked away, leaving me staring after her wondering why the fuck I was annoyed she’d said no. There had to be hundreds of physiotherapists in Sydney.

“Fuck,” I muttered to myself, stalking towards the lifts. I’d find someone else. Skylar didn’t need Lily.

“I’ve spent days looking into Ryland and can’t find any dirt on him,” Tatum said an hour later when she found me in the clubhouse bar. I hadn’t been in the clubhouse for longer than twenty minutes, and hadn’t had a moment of peace in that time.

“Keep digging. Everyone has dirt.”

“I’m telling you, King, he doesn’t.”