She poked her tongue at me. “I’m not telling you.” She closed the door and left me alone.

“I’m going to find out!” I called after her, laughing as I thought about my sister ending up on a fishing date with a prostitute our mother ordered for her. It was the kind of story that people just wouldn’t believe. And it was the exact kind of story that helped me through my days. Thank God for having Brynn as my sister. The hilarious shit she got up to always made me laugh and eased my stress a little.



* * *

“Don’t let him out of your sight,” I said to Devil over the phone early the next morning. I’d pulled him off watching Skylar so he could track Brant.

“Has he made contact with Romano yet?”

Devil and Kick were tailing Brant who we’d let leave the clubhouse fifteen minutes earlier. Zane had bugged Brant’s phone so we could keep track of him and also listen to his calls.


Hyde entered the surveillance room Zane had set up and eyed me. “Ghost just made contact again. The guy he thought we could use to deal with Marx has been moved, so he’s not an option anymore. Ghost is working his contacts to find someone else.”

“Fuck,” I muttered. “Go through everyone we know again and see if we can do this without Ghost. We need this dealt with as soon as fucking possible.”

Hyde nodded and left as Axe met my gaze. “Do you know what Marx has given the feds yet?”

“Not yet. Bronze is working on that, but they’ve locked the case down tight apparently, so he hasn’t been able to access the info.”

“I’ve got a guy who might be able to help. I’ll mention it to him.”

Zane cut into the conversation. “Here he goes.”

The room turned silent while the three of us listened to Brant’s call with Romano.

“Where have you been?” It was Romano.

“I’m in Sydney. I’ve been looking for Ivy for you.”

Silence followed for a moment. “Did you find her?”

“No, but I found out something that might interest you.”

“Keep talking.”

“I visited the Storm clubhouse, thinking Ivy might have gone to King. She hasn’t, but they’re knocking themselves out looking for whoever’s been fucking with them. I heard one of the guys mention something about a rat in the club.”

I’d threatened his life if he didn’t come through for us with this, and it seemed he’d taken me seriously.

“And what the fuck makes you think I’d have any interest in that?”

“I figure if the guy’s working with you, feeding you information, you might wanna look out for him. Warn him or something.”

Romano laughed, his contempt bleeding through the phone. “They’re looking in the wrong place.” He paused before saying, “Get your ass back to Melbourne. I’ve got shit for you to do.”

Zane glanced at me as the call ended. “Romano’s playing with him. He’s gotta know where Brant’s been.”

I nodded. “Agreed. And now we wait for him to come for Brant.”

“That comment about you looking in the wrong place, though,” Axe said, “That didn’t sound like a play.”

“Yeah,” I said, “I’ll get Hyde to extend the search.” I met Zane’s gaze again. “You need to deal with Don.” Kree’s husband.