“I’ve already got shit happening towards your release.”

“And we both know you could be doing more. Stop dragging your feet and make this happen within the next couple of weeks.”

He was right—I was dragging my feet. Helping Ghost get out of here was the last thing I wanted to do, but I’d given him my word, and I never went back on that. Not even when it was given to someone I despised.

“Done.” I leant forward, my eyes boring into his. “Now start fucking talking and don’t stop until you give me everything. I find out you skipped some shit, your release gets pushed back as far as I can make that happen.”

Ghost’s eyes flashed with the same hatred mine did. “And if you don’t get shit done in a few weeks, I’ll find a way to fuck you over.”

Jesus, the motherfucker had a death wish. “Talk!” I barked, coasting close to my threshold of control.

His lips pulled up in a snarl, but he finally spilt what he knew. “Romano wants you dead, and he wants Storm wiped off the map. He has a wealth of knowledge about Storm’s drug trade, who you buy weapons off, the shit Jethro was into…. Fuck, I don’t know how the hell he knows this shit, but I’m telling you, if he went to the cops with any of this, every member of the club would go to prison. He even knows about Moses.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Hyde said, echoing my own thoughts. We have a rat in the club. “What did he want with you?”

“He offered me half a mill to turn on the club. Wants me to go to the cops with what I know.”

“You expect us to believe you’d turn down that kind of cash? To help me?” I said.

“Not to help you, King, but to help the club.”


The hatred in his eyes flared again. “It’s not bullshit. Fuck, think about it. Why would I call you here and tell you this shit if I was gonna take the cash? I’d just fucking take it, talk to the cops and never look back if that was my choice.”

My mind worked as fast as it could to come up with scenarios of how this could all play out, but with all the shit in there, it was a battle I was losing. Ghost had a point, but I still had my doubts.

“If I choose to believe you and you fuck us over, there’s no coming back from that, Ghost. Not for you and not for your sister.”

“Look,” he snapped, agitation getting the best of him, “I’ve always been loyal to the club and I don’t intend to change that. Best I can figure, Romano is fucking insane. I’ve got enough insanity to deal with in you. I don’t wanna get into bed with another crazy asshole.”

“What else did he say?” I pushed. “Nothing you’ve told us helps us in any way. We already knew Romano was coming after the club.”

He contemplated that for a moment. “Now who’s speaking shit?”

“What else?” Hyde almost bellowed. By the looks of him, he was as close to losing his shit as I was.

Ghost sc

owled at him. “Ivy is the key to all of this. He’s fucking obsessed with her. You get to her and you’ll get to Romano.”

“See now that’s where your info is fucked up, Ghost. We have her and she’s telling us jack,” I said.

Ghost’s eyes met mine again, a flicker of confusion in them now. “She’s with you? And Tony hasn’t turned up looking for her? I find that hard to believe.”

“He’s disappeared,” Hyde said. “Dropped off the radar to avoid the cops who raided him two days ago.”

“And Ivy has left Tony,” I added.

Ghost’s confusion grew, and he frowned. “I don’t see any of that happening. Not from what Tony said the other day. For one, I got the impression he’s in with the cops, and two, I don’t think he’d ever allow Ivy to leave him. I’m telling you, he’s consumed by her. If anyone could cause Tony Romano to fall, it’d be Ivy. She’d be enough for him to not go into hiding from the cops because all he’d be able to think about would be getting her back.”


I glanced at Hyde. “What do you make of all this, brother?”

“We need to head back to the clubhouse and go over it all. Pull Devil and Kick in on it and get their take on it. Bronze too.”

“You also need to work on my release,” Ghost said.