I ran into Jackson twenty minutes later as I did my rounds. “You took care of that guy?”

“Yeah, all sorted.”

“Thanks, Lily. That’s one problem I can take off my list of shit to worry about today.”

Speaking of lists of shit, Linc had sent me a text telling me the child support money would still be a couple of days away. If only I could take him off my list as easily as I’d taken Skylar’s brother off Jackson’s list.

I decided to put him completely out of my mind and not think about him today. Maybe instead, I’d think about King and that scar of his.

I wonder how he did get that.

And I wonder what he’s like in bed.

I bet he’s rough and demanding and bossy.

Oh, God.


Oh, fuck.


No, no, no.

Worst idea I’d had in a long time.

It was then I realised I really did need to get laid, because I was clearly losing my mind if I was imagining what it would be like to have sex with a rude man like King.

I had enough troubles in my life.

I didn’t need to add asshole to my list.



* * *

There was no love lost between Ghost and me. Jethro had seen to that. He’d played us off from the very beginning, but by the time I’d figured that out, too much water was under the bridge for us to ever go back. Ghost had always eyed the Storm presidency, believing it should have been his. Jethro had other ideas. He marked the position as mine early on, and once Ghost worked that out, he’d gone out of his way to fuck with me. Ivy and Jen had been caught in the crossfire, but again, I hadn’t learnt of that until it was too late.

Ghost had targeted them because Jethro told him to. Jethro had told a few club members to harass both of my women, but the difference with Ghost was that he’d taken it all a step further and tried to force himself on them simply because of his grudge against me. I’d never forgive him for that.

Sitting across from him at the jail later that day, it took a lot of fucking control not to reach across the damn table and choke the life out of him. After my last visit, I’d intended never to return.

“Spit it out, Ghost. Why are we here?” I demanded. “Have the feds come back?”

He shook his head. “No, not the feds.” He paused for a moment, almost as if he was still deciding whether to share his information with us. Finally he said, “Tony Romano paid me a visit, and since all he spoke about was you, I figured you’d want to know.”

“What the fuck?” Hyde muttered, leaning forward and resting his arms on the table.

I was as confused as Hyde. It made no sense. “What did he want?”

Ghost’s smile was one of victory. He squared his shoulders. “I thought you might ask that, but if you think I’ll just hand that kind of information over without getting something in return, you’re mistaken.”

Fucking Ghost. I’d known this was a fucking ambush when Hyde had said Ghost would only talk to me. “You wanna stay a member of Storm, you need to get that mouth moving, Ghost. That’s the only fucking thing up for negotiation here.”

Ghost’s smile disappeared and hatred blared from his eyes. “At this fucking point, King, I couldn’t give a fuck if you kick me out of the club. The only thing important to me is getting the fuck out of here. You make that happen and I’ll give you whatever information you want.”