* * *

“Finally,” I muttered, watching the dark-haired woman who’d just entered Skylar’s room. If I ran my club the way this hospital ran, we’d never survive. They didn’t know shit about efficiency.

Her brows lifted. “I think you mean hello. Right?”

I wasn’t in the mood for snark. Not today. “I always say what I mean.”

“King,” Skylar said, “can you lay off her? She’s just doing her job and trying to help me.”

The woman looked at Skye and smiled. “Hi, Skylar. I’m Lily.” She glanced up at me. “And I’m just going to ignore your brother’s attitude. I deal with teens every day, so I’m a pro at that.”

I held her gaze, unable to let it go. She was throwing up a challenge, and fuck if it didn’t stir something deep in my gut. But right alongside that was irritation. I stepped closer to her. “I’m not someone to be ignored, Lily.”

“Oh God,” Skylar muttered, but I blocked her out, my entire attention on the physiotherapist. Not that I knew for sure that was who she was, but my patience levels were running low, so I hoped to fuck she was.

She stood taller, straightening her shoulders. “Well, like I always say to my kids, I won’t ignore you if you treat me with some respect. But if you wanna hit me with bad manners and rudeness, you won’t get much out of me.”

I opened my mouth to give her my thoughts on that, but Skylar glared at me. She then turned to Lily and asked, “Are you my physio?”

Lily nodded. “Yes. I’m going to get you started on some rehab this morning and work with you until you go home.”

“How long do you think I’ll be in here?”

“Usually three to five days for this type of injury, but that depends on a lot of things.”

“What kind of things?” I asked.

She looked at me again, her gaze a little less sharp. “Once Skylar is able to get out of bed unassisted, use the toilet, and shower herself, we can discharge her. She’ll need someone to help her at home, though.” Glancing at Skylar, she asked, “Do you have someone?”

“She’ll stay with me,” I said. “I’ll take care of everything and make sure she has whatever she needs.”

Lily’s eyes cut to mine, flashing with something I couldn’t quite read. Surprise perhaps? She watched me silently for a moment before nodding and saying to Skylar, “Okay, great. So the nurses have had you sitting in the chair. I want you to do as much of that as possible. It’ll reduce the risk of bed sores and clots, and help you transition to standing. I’m going to visit you both morning and afternoon to get you up and about, but we’re going to take it slow, okay? It’s important not to do too much too soon.”

Skylar nodded. “Got it. Slow and steady.”

“Right, let’s get you out of bed and into the chair. Then we’re going to focus on you standing on your uninjured leg for today. The goal is to try to get you on both legs tomorrow.”

My phone rang as Lily helped Skylar out of bed, and I left the room to take the call.

“Everything is set for us to visit Ghost this afternoon,” Hyde said when I answered the phone.

“Good. Any news on Nitro this morning?”

“No. The lawyer Tatum recommended is seeing him in about an hour, so we’ll know more then.”

Nitro and Marx had been picked up when Nitro was on his way to get rid of the asshole. A fucking cracked taillight had done it. Marx had been unconscious in the back seat, causing the cops to grow suspicious, and because of Nitro’s club ties, they’d hauled both in for questioning. Fuck knew what Marx had told the cops.

“I’ll be there in about an hour or so. Make sure Kick’s around then. We need to discuss our plans to draw Romano out.”

“Will do,” he said, and we ended the call.

When I stepped back into Skylar’s room, she was standing on one leg while Lily helped her. I slowed and ran my gaze over the woman who would be helping my sister’s recovery. She had the kind of beauty I didn’t see often, and while it had a lot to do with her looks, it had a fuck of a lot more to do with her energy. I’d take a beautiful face, long legs, and a tight ass any day, but it was the way she stood up for herself that got most of my attention. I didn’t like a woman arguing with me, but I respected the fuck out of a woman who didn’t let a man walk all over her. Sometimes those two preferences clashed, but in the end, respect always won the battle.

“I’m guessing that you’re gonna load Skye up with a rehab programme to do at home when she leaves here, and I’m also guessing her recovery would be helped along by seeing a physio,” I said to Lily. At her nod, I continued, “How often do you recommend for that?”

She answered me while keeping an eye on what Skylar was doing. “A few times a week if you can swing it. The more the better. I can give you some names of physios I recommend.”

I nodded. “I’d appreciate that.” Looking at Skylar, I said, “I’m gonna head out now. Devil’s on his way up to stay with you today, and I’ll be back tonight. Text me if you need anything.”