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I paced the hospital corridor early Sunday morning, my mind working out how I would avenge the shooting of Lily’s sister. There was no doubt in my mind this was Romano’s doing. And that shit was on me. I hadn’t taken enough precautions to keep Lily and her family safe. I thought I had, but clearly I fucking hadn’t. Her sister wouldn’t be lying in a coma if I had.


I shoved my fingers through my hair and stopped pacing as I watched Lily walk my way. Empty eyes met mine, and I swallowed hard. Her arms circled me and she clung tightly as she sobbed. I held her for as long as she needed. I gave her that now because I wouldn’t be giving it to her later. This would be the end of the road for us. No fucking way was I putting another woman’s life at risk simply because she was in my life. Lily would never become a casualty of my war.

“Thank you for staying with me all night,” she said softly when she let me go. “I couldn’t have gotten through it without you.”

I nodded, but I had no words for her. Not when the only words that would be honest enough were—this is my fucking fault.

“I’m going to take Mum home. The doctor has given her something to help her sleep.” Another sob escaped her lips as her hand flew to her mouth. “I’ve never seen my mother so distraught.” Her eyes pleaded with mine for answers when she added, “It will kill her if she loses Brynn.”

I knew she wanted me to say everything was going to be okay, that Brynn would pull through and they’d go back to life as they knew it, but I couldn’t. That had never been my experience in life, and I wouldn’t lie to her just to make her feel better. Lies only helped in the short-term; they just made shit worse after that.

“I’ll take you home,” I said, needing to give her that before walking away from her. I’d already organised for some of my men to watch her mother’s house. Once I’d dealt with Romano, I’d be completely gone from her life, and she’d be safe again.

“Thank you.”

Forty minutes later, she glanced at the bikes outside her mum’s place as I pulled into the driveway. “Who’s here?”

I parked the car and looked at her. “I’ve put some of my guys here to watch over you.”

She frowned. “Do you think whoever did this will come back?”

I knew she thought it was a robbery gone wrong, and I would have liked to let her continue thinking that, but I couldn’t. She had to be prepared in case shit did go down again. “I don’t know, but they may. Hopefully it will get sorted, and the guys won’t be here long.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh my God, King. Are my kids safe?”

“Yes. These men are my best, Lily. Military trained. You’re safe.”

Her shoulders sagged. “Thank you,” she said before brushing a kiss over my lips. “I really would be lost without you right now.”

Fuck, I was a bastard. I wanted more of that kiss. It would be my last taste of her. Gripping the back of her neck, I pulled her mouth back to mine and kissed her for a long fucking time. It was rough and demanding, and she gave that to me even though her world had turned upside down. Even when she was struggling just to breathe, Lily gave. I didn’t deserve a woman as good as her in my life.

We woke her mother, and I got them both inside. Linc was there with the

kids, and I stayed out of his way. As little as I thought of him, Lily would need him, and I hoped to fuck he came through for her.

We got her mum into bed, and then I helped Lily shower and dress before settling her in bed, too. When I brushed a kiss across her forehead and stood, she frowned. “Are you leaving?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”


I rubbed the back of my neck. “I’ve got shit to take care of.”

“Oh, okay. Do you know what time you’ll be finished?”

“No.” It came out hard, but I couldn’t help that. I had to shut the fucking feelings I had for her down, and hard was the only way I knew how to do that.

She frowned again. “King, what’s going on?”

“I don’t have time to get into it. I have to go.”

She was silent for a beat. “Well, I’m going to head back to the hospital in a few hours. I’ll call you then and see where you are.”