“Brynn, where are you?” I called out as I walked to the kitchen. “I have some goss to share with—” I came to an abrupt halt as I entered the kitchen.

Oh God.


I was seeing things.

My heart raced as I stared at my sister lying on the floor with blood oozing out of her.

I screamed. I know I did, but I couldn’t hear it.

I scrambled to the floor to pull her into my arms.

I couldn’t think straight.

“Brynny, no!”

I sat with her head in my lap, clinging to her. Willing her to not die.

Gulping down breaths, I suddenly realised I should check for a pulse.

There was a pulse.

With shaky hands, I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone. Somehow I called 000 and got through the call.

“Brynn!” I cried out as if that would magically fix her.

My chest hurt.

I couldn’t do this.

I needed Brynn to get me through this.

I dialled King. It was instinctual. There was no thought process. Somehow I just knew he was my person. He would get me through this when my sister couldn’t.

He answered on the third ring. “What’s up?”

I gripped the phone hard and tried to talk, but the only sound that came was a wail.

“Lily, what?” he demanded. “What the fuck has happened?”

“It’s Brynn… She’s been shot. I need you.”

“Fuck. I’m on my way.”

I couldn’t breathe.

My heart was going to explode out of my chest.

My sister could not die.

I couldn’t do life without her.

Hurry, King.

I need you.