“No, I do, King.”

“You don’t.” His tone turned hard, his statement absolute. I didn’t care for that tone.

I stopped smoothing my skirt and straightened my shoulders. He would not be getting the last word on this. And he sure as heck wouldn’t be refusing my money. “You took time out of your day and brought one of your men with you to do the job. You paid for the locks. You also checked my mother’s oil and water. I appreciate all of that. What I don’t appreciate is the way you bulldoze me when I approach you about some things. I always pay my own way in life, and I would like to pay for my locks. I’d also like to pay for your time, but I’m guessing that would be pushing for too much where you’re concerned.”

He stood, his jaw tight, his shoulders tighter. Walking around the desk, he went to the door and closed it. He then moved behind me, his body to mine. He caged me in so my legs were pressed hard against the desk, my hands flat to it, my ass tilted back as I bent forward.

With one hand around my waist and the other inching up my leg to reach under my skirt, he growled against my ear, “I appreciate the fuck out of many things in life, Lily, one of them being when a woman doesn’t argue with me. You won’t be paying me a cent and you won’t mention those locks again.” He slipped his hand into my panties as he nudged my feet apart. When he pushed his fingers inside my pussy, he added, “Do you understand?”

I didn’t want to understand, but his ways were persuasive to say the least. I still had some fight in me, though. “No, I don’t. We hardly know each other, so I’m not sure why you want to pay for my stuff.” It really made no sense to me. I’d never met a man who randomly paid for my shit. Hell, I’d never even had a date pay for my meal. And I’d paid Linc’s way for many things for a long time.

His fingers stroked me expertly, and I squeezed my eyes shut as the pleasure engulfed me. “This doesn’t feel like not knowing you,” he rasped, grinding his dick against my ass.

Oh God. It really didn’t. And that was the source of my confusion. Gripping the desk, I said, “I don’t know what we’re doing, King. We said one night.”

His mouth pressed harder against my ear, his teeth grazing my skin. “You fucking came undone last night. You want more than one night.”

I couldn’t argue with either of those statements. I wanted so much more sex with him. But where would that lead? King had made it clear he didn’t want anything more than to fuck me, and I thought I could get on board with that, but now I wasn’t so sure. Not after the amount of time I’d dedicated to thinking about him today. Not to mention that every time I closed my eyes or had a moment to myself, images of him fucking me filled my mind.

“Lily, stop thinking,” he ordered as he lifted my skirt. “Tell me you want this.”

My body fought my mind, and in the end, won the war. “I want this.” The words fell from my lips before I could stop them, but I wouldn’t take them back. When his hands were on me like this, and his mouth was promising me dirty things I never knew I wanted, King owned me. All I could do was go along for the ride and pray I came out unscathed when he was done with me.

He didn’t waste a second once I’d given him what he wanted. He grabbed hold of my neck and forced me down over the desk. My skirt was pushed up over my ass, my panties ripped from me. The sound of a condom wrapper filled the air as he slid his zip down. One hand came back to hold my neck. I couldn’t see him, but every noise he made, and the speed with which he worked told me he was as desperate for this as I was.

He slammed into me.

There was no gentle from King today. He took what he wanted with a savage energy that pushed me over the edge from wanting this to needing it like I needed air.

I didn’t want gentle.

I wanted what he offered, any way it came.

And I knew that would be my downfall in the end because I’d never wanted sex this much.

Every part of my body ached from what he’d done to it last night, and his rough treatment now only added to that pain. But God if I didn’t love every second of it.

It didn’t take either of us long to come. When he was finished, he moved away from me, disposed of the condom and zipped himself back up all while I tried to get my bearings. My panties lay torn on the carpet, so I pushed my skirt down and straightened my top. As I ran my fingers through my hair, fixing it, my hand brushed across my neck and I grimaced at the pain I felt there. King had left bruises both times he’d had me.

His eyes met mine before dropping to my neck. He didn’t comment, just clenched his jaw as he stared at me. I wasn’t sure, but it seemed to anger him, but then, he was always in some kind of mood, so who knew what stirred his disapproval.

A knock on the door cut through our silence. “King, are you in there?” It was a female voice I didn’t recognise, and my tummy knotted as I thought about him with other women. The thoughts came from nowhere, slamming into me and causing my head to spin.

I took a deep breath and picked up my bag, determined to clear my mind of whatever was going on in there.

You have no claim on King.

You need

to remember that.

Oh God.

Why did I think this was a good idea?

Jesus, get your shit together, Lily.

“Fuck,” King muttered, raking his fingers through his hair. He stalked to the door and yanked it open. “I’m busy. Can you give me a moment?”