I managed to leave my bed and throw on a T-shirt and panties before heading out to the kitchen to make a coffee. I was disappointed King had left without saying goodbye sometime during the night, but reminded myself it was what we’d both agreed to. No relationship, just sex.

I was lost in my thoughts when the door to my back patio slid open and King stepped inside.

I jumped. “Holy shit. Way to give a girl a heart attack.” Frowning, I added, “I thought you’d already left.”

His eyes slowly ran down my body before meeting my gaze. “Just getting my shit now and leaving.”

The flare of excitement I’d experienced when I realised he was still here turned to another round of disappointment. “Oh okay. Do you want a coffee before you go?”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Lily.” My sister’s voice floated from the front door to the kitchen. A moment later, she joined us, her eyes widening as she took in King. Her mouth spread into a huge smile, and she said, “I see you broke the drought.”

King shifted his gaze from me to Brynn and then back to me, but didn’t utter a word.

“Yes,” I said as I pulled a mug down from the cupboard. I didn’t want to get into a discussion about my sex life right now. “You want a coffee, Brynn?”

“I would love one. A coffee with you and King sounds like the perfect start to my day.”

“He’s not staying.” I glanced across at him, finding him still watching me. His gaze caused butterflies in my tummy. God, I needed to get a grip. He was just the guy who broke my drought. Nothing more.

“Oh really?” Brynn asked. “You’re leaving so early?”

Before King could answer her, my mother appeared on my back patio.

God help me.

She slid the back door open and came to an abrupt stop when she spied King. The smile that filled her face matched the one on Brynn’s when she’d found King in my kitchen. Entering the house, she said, “I see I no longer need to get that dating profile of yours up, Lily.”

I seriously wanted to bang my head on the kitchen counter.

Looking back up at them all, I said, “I’m only going to say this once—yes, I had sex last night, but no, it doesn’t mean I’m dating.” I directed the next bit to Mum. “And that doesn’t mean you should go hiring me a prostitute or go filling out dating profiles for me. I’m quite capable of finding myself a man when I decide I want one.”

Mum looked a little put out. Waving her hands dismissively at me, she said, “I beg to differ on that last bit, my darling. You haven’t so much as looked at a man in six months. I think you are most definitely out of practice.”

“She’s not out of practice,” King rumbled, unleashing another round of butterflies in my tummy.

When he pulled out his keys, I asked, “Are you leaving now?”



??I’ll walk you out.”

He shook his head. “No, stay with your family.” And then he was gone.

Brynn and Mum both stared after him. “Don’t feel like you need to stay with us,” Brynn said. “Go say goodbye to your man.”

“He’s not my man, Brynn. It was just sex.”

Mum’s lips flattened. “Oh Lily, it isn’t just sex when a man looks out for you like King has.”

“Yes Mum, it is. And it was.” And I already want more.

Brynn narrowed her eyes at me. “But you like him, yes?”

There was no point lying to her. My sister saw through all my lies. “Yes, but he—”