Dylan: You need me to go see that bitch and give her a piece of my mind.

Me: Did Leona tell you what happened?

I hadn’t told a soul. The only ones who knew were my workmates.

The phone rang, and I answered it with a sigh. “I’m okay, Dylan. Really. I’m sorry I cancelled tonight’s gig, but I just don’t have it in me to smile and sing.”

“Babe, I couldn’t give a fuck about the gig. Do you want me to come over? You could give me a massage, and I could tell you what a bitch Rachel is.”

He never failed to make me laugh, even when I was down for the count. “I’m gonna have to find you a girlfriend who knows how to massage. Just so you quit begging me.”

“Could be a good idea. I’m not thinking your boyfriend would be happy if your hands were always on me.”

“Yeah, you might be on to something there.”

“Okay, so I’m going to come over. No massage required.”

The rumble of a bike distracted me, and I glanced out the window of the car to see Devil pulling his bike in behind me.

“No, don’t come over. Devil’s just turned up.” I softened my voice when I added, “But thank you. Love you, Dylan.”

“Love you, too, babe. I’ll call you tomorrow to make sure you’re okay.”

I ended the call and threw my phone in my bag. Exiting the car, I smiled at Devil as he approached.

“Fuck, darlin’, you look like hell.” Concern etched lines into his face as he reached for me.

I placed my hand in his and allowed him to pull me close. He was right—my face was black with wet mascara from all the tears I’d cried on my way home from work. “Thanks, it’s always good when your boyfriend tells you that you look like shit.”

He ignored my sarcasm. “Leona called and told me you got into it with Rachel.”

My eyes held his. “So you just dropped everything and came straight over?” I asked softly, my heart beating rapidly at that thought.

“Yeah.” He said it like I’d just asked the dumbest question ever. Like, of course he would drop everything and come to me.

I reached up to run my fingers lightly over his lips. “You better be careful, Dominic Ford, because I might just be falling in love with you.”

He took hold of my hand. “I’ll never be careful if that’s what it’ll get me.”

I moved so my body was flush against his, and pulled his mouth to mine. Before I kissed him, I said, “Only you could show up here, when I feel the way I do, and make me feel like life is so fucking good.”

“What happened with Rachel?”

“She gave me a choice—my job or my charity work. We argued over it for a bit, and then I told her to shove her fucking job. I still don’t know for sure my investor is going ahead, and I really can’t afford to be out of work, but I can’t stay there another day.” I felt ill over my decision, but at the same time, I felt deep in my bones that it was the right choice. At this point, I was putting my trust in the universe for it to all work out okay.

Devil nodded, and pressed his lips to mine. His kiss was gentle, loving. He always seemed to know just what I needed. When he ended the kiss, he said, “You made the right choice, darlin’. I’ve watched you deal with her shit for weeks now, and that bitch doesn’t deserve you. We’ll get through this. It’ll all work out.”

I smiled up at him. “We’ll?” My question was almost a whisper. I was hesitant to fully embrace what I thought he meant by that word, but God, I wanted to.

“Yes, we,” he said with conviction, making this whole shitty day so much better.

I hooked a hand around his neck while also sliding a leg around him so I could lift myself into his arms. “Okay, so I’m thinking we should have dinner here with Gran tonight—she’s making my favourite—and then you should take me back to your place so you can fuck me in ways that will make me scream so loudly it might cause the roof to cave in.”

He lifted a brow. “You don’t want me to do that to you here?”

I grinned. “Smart-ass.” Gran didn’t need to hear me calling out his name over and over.

“What’s your favourite dinner?”