“The only thing that’s gonna make me happy is if I come pick you up myself. Give me the address and the time, and then you can go wait for Dylan.”

“See that’s the thing. I never really know what time I’ll be done by. I mean, we’re booked until eleven, but sometimes we’re having so much fun that we just keep playing until they kick us out. So, it—”

He straddled me as he cut me off. “Darlin’, the address,” he said forcefully, and I knew it was time to just give in and give him what he wanted.

“Fine,” I muttered, “but don’t whinge when you’re sitting there twiddling your thumbs waiting for me if we decide to stay.”

“Jesus, woman, do you not think I’d happily sit for a day twiddling my thumbs while I waited for you?” His eyes searched mine before he dipped his face and caught my lips in a kiss.

I melted into his kiss in much the same way I basked in his words. And for the first time ever in my life of playing gigs with Cherry Vivid, I didn’t want to play that night. I wanted to stay right where I was in Devil’s arms.

When we came up for air, he stared down at me with lust-filled eyes. “I don’t want you to go,” he rasped. Sitting back, he shoved his fingers through his hair. “I’m so damn hard for you. Always, so fucking hard. Just thinking about you gets me there.”

I reached for his shirt, gripping a handful. “I don’t want to go either,” I said, my voice just as affected as his.

After a few moments of silence, he finally moved off me and held his hand out to help me up. Slapping my ass, he said, “Come on, let’s get you outside so I don’t throw you down on that bed and fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk out of here.”

I wanted exactly what he wanted, so it was safest to do what he’d said. As I exited the bedroom, the doorbell rang.

Thank you, God.

Dylan’s timing was perfect.

However, when I opened the door, Dylan wasn’t standing on the other side. Wayne was.

“Hailee,” he greeted me with a smile.

Oh. God.




I gripped the door while I sent at least ten urgent prayers up to God for him to give me an out. Right now. He could just let the floor cave in and allow me to slide into hell. Because that was where I should have been sent.

I was the worst person in the world.

I’d spoken to Wayne on the phone a few times while he was away.

When I’d started sleeping with Devil.

While I’d technically still been dating Wayne.

I hadn’t wanted to string him along and lie to him, but telling someone you didn’t want to see them again over the phone was a dick move. So I’d decided to wait until he arrived back home and then break the news to him.

I hadn’t expected him to turn up on my doorstep unannounced.

While Devil was there.

Standing. Right. Behind. Me.

“Uh, Wayne. Hi.” Fuck, could I sound any more pathetic? I was a tongue-tied mess. Not only that, I was sure sweat was about to drip from me. It was a hot day already, but my temperature had just doubled. At least.

Devil’s hand slid around my waist as his body moulded to mine in one of the most possessive moves I’d ever experienced from a man. If I hadn’t been so frazzled, I would have been turned on by it.

The smile in Wayne’s eyes died as he tracked Devil’s hand going around my waist and pulling me back against him. When he looked up, his gaze met mine briefly before he looked past me at Devil.