I allowed her to pull me with her and a couple of moments later, we were at the swing in the backyard. I’d bought it for the kids a couple of weeks ago, and it had fast become Kylie’s favourite thing to do. Sonya both loved and hated me for that swing.

We spent the next hour playing outside. After they’d had enough of the swing, we kicked a ball around for a while, and then I chased them around the yard in an effort to wear them out for Sonya. When we went back inside, we found their mother asleep on her bed.

“Shh,” I said to them with my finger against my lips. Once I’d herded them out of the bedroom, I quietly closed the door and led the kids to the living room. Change of plans for the night. “Who wants macaroni and cheese for dinner?” I knew it was one of their favourites, and I knew how to cook it. They both squealed their delight, and when I added, “After dinner, we’l

l watch a movie, your choice,” they were completely sold on leaving their mother to sleep. And I managed to hold my title of favourite uncle for another day.



As I entered the pub on Sunday afternoon, I adjusted the straps on my dress. It was hot as hades, so I’d worn a short flowy black dress to meet Devil for drinks. I’d paired it with flat sandals, which was not my usual style, but in this heat, I just wanted comfort and air on my skin.

I’d spent the weekend going back and forth in my mind between Devil and Wayne. My brain had whiplash over it, and I was thankful to be seeing Devil that afternoon. Perhaps spending time with him would push my mind in the right decision. The thing was, I knew it was my fear holding me back more than anything. And fear needed to be banished from my life. I’d worked hard over the last two years not to let it in, so I’d be damned if I did now.

Scanning the pub, I found Devil kicking back on a lounge, watching me with those eyes that told me how much he wanted to fuck me. He wore jeans with a black fitted T-shirt and a wicked smile. Jesus, the man was sin personified.

He didn’t stand to meet me, just waited where he was, not moving an inch. His eyes moved, though. All over me. So much so that when I finally stood in front of him, my carefully constructed thoughts about how I’d handle him were flailing helplessly. No way would today go the way I planned. Devil had taken charge without even uttering a damn word.

He did stand when I met him at the lounge. His hand slid easily around my waist, and he pulled me close so he could place his mouth near my ear. It seemed to be his favourite thing to do. Possibly because he’d worked out that it put me off my game. “Anyone ever tell you how sexy you look in that dress?”

I pressed a hand to his chest. His rock-hard chest. His chest that I wanted to get a glimpse of. Fuck, I needed to keep my thoughts in check. Pushing him away, I found his gaze again. “I can’t say they have.”

His hand lingered on my waist. “That’s a damn shame. A woman like you should hear that all the time.”

Guilt washed over me as I basked in his compliment. There was no more denying it—I liked Devil. More than I liked Wayne. It was time to end whatever it was I had going with Wayne, because I was definitely not the type of woman to lead a man on. Or the kind of woman to cheat on a man. Regardless of where this ended up with Devil, Wayne was not the man for me.

Devil’s eyes narrowed at me. “What are you thinking, darlin’? Looks serious.”

“I was thinking that you should get me a French Martini. And that I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

His fingers dug into my skin at my waist and he lowered his mouth to my ear again. “You wanna know what my thoughts were?” At my nod, he said, “I was thinking about how much I want to fuck you with my tongue.”

Burning hot need slid through me, straight to my core. I squeezed my legs together at the same time that I ran my hand down his chest and gripped the side of his shirt. When our eyes met again, I said, “I was thinking more along the lines of you fucking me with your cock, but we could begin with your tongue.”

“Fuck,” he hissed.

I let him go. “You should go get the drinks so we can get started.”

He did, and when he returned, I’d kicked off my sandals and settled on the lounge with my legs tucked under me. Sunday afternoons were for comfort as far as I was concerned.

Devil returned, and I watched in fascination as he folded his body onto the lounge next to me. I’d never been with a man who was as built as he was. My eyes were glued to him—his ass, then his legs, his thighs—oh, God how I imagined them in bed—his chest and finally, his arms. It was like muscle heaven.

Lifting a bottle of beer to his mouth, he spread an arm across the back of the lounge behind me and drew my attention back to his face. “Say the word, gorgeous, and we’ll get out of here. I’m all yours.”

In an effort to buy some time and find my words again, I took a sip of the cocktail he’d bought me. The thought of having all of him—every inch of his body—made my pulse speed.

He’d twisted slightly so he faced me. He was so damn close I fought the urge to run my fingers over his lips. Instead, I said, “You’re intent on driving me insane with lust, aren’t you?”

“Is that what I’m doing?”

“Yes, but I’m guessing you already know that.”

He leaned even closer, his eyes fixed firmly on mine. “I don’t know anything for sure with you, Hailee.”

While Devil was fun and flirty, every now and then he gave me a glimpse of the intensity I was beginning to think burned through him. I’d sensed a dangerous undertone to him before, and I wondered how deep it ran.

I decided to let him in on my thoughts. Playing with men wasn’t my style. “I’m not going to see Wayne anymore.”