Hailee grinned. “Yeah, your favourite.”

Sonya made her way to where Hailee stood and threw her arms around her. Looking at me, she said, “The best day of my life was the day you met this woman. Don’t ever make me have the worst day of my life, okay?”

“Fuck, no. I’m not planning on it.”

From the minute I’d introduced the two women in my life, they’d bonded as if they were sisters. They had so much in common it wasn’t funny. Some days I felt like I had to fight my sister-in-law to get time alone with my woman.

The kids came running out, both of them throwing their arms around Hailee. I wasn’t the favourite anymore. Well, not unless I turned up with presents.

“Auntie Hailee, come see my room!” Adam exclaimed, trying to drag her down the hallway.

As he pulled her away from us, Sonya mouthed, “Sorry.”

My brows pulled together. “Why?”

She moved closer so she could speak softly. “I know you’re always telling me to tell them not to call her that, but they love her so much they want her to be their aunt.”

“It’s all good. And it’s not that I don’t want them to call her that. I just never wanted her to feel pressured into it.”

Sonya’s eyes narrowed at me. “You say that like times are changing. Are they?”

I grinned as I pulled the ring out of my pocket and showed her. “Let’s just say that I’m all for pressuring now. Four months together is long enough for a marriage proposal, right?”

“Since when does Dominic Ford care what anyone else thinks? And by the way, good fucking job on that ring. She’s gonna love it.”

“You reckon?”

She paused for a moment, assessing me. “What? Are you concerned she won’t say yes?”

I scrubbed my hand over my face. “Fuck, I don’t know. No. Yes. Fuck it, maybe.”

She burst out laughing. “I never thought I’d see the day you were this pussy-

whipped that you were actually nervous about what your woman would say.”

“What is pussy-whipped?” Adam asked as he and Hailee stepped back in the kitchen.

Hailee’s lips twitched, but she remained silent.

“Well,” Sonya started, not seeming to know where to go after that.

Fuck it.

“It’s me. I’m pussy-whipped, but you can’t tell anyone, okay? It’s our secret. Only the four of us can know,” I said.

His eyes glittered with excitement. Adam loved secrets. “Okay, I won’t tell anyone.”

Sonya started laughing again and muttered, “Oh, God, that’s a classic, Dom.”

My eyes found Hailee’s. Unable to wait another second, I jerked my chin at her and said, “Get your ass over here, woman.”

She lifted a brow. “Really? You’re going all bossy on me today, Mr Pussy-Whipped?”

“Hailee,” I said in the low warning tone I used on her when she was about to get her ass spanked. “I want to ask you something.”

Sonya’s head whipped around and she stared at me in surprise.

“Okay, how about we meet in the middle,” Hailee said. “I’m not in a mood to be bossed today.”