“How’s Kick?” Nitro asked. “You heard any more from him about Evie?”

“Yeah, the doctors are keeping her in hospital. Possibly for the rest of her pregnancy depending on her blood pressure. Kick seems to think they might deliver the baby early. But he said she’s doing well besides that. He’s coming back tomorrow.”

“Thank fuck,” Hyde murmured, as if it was important to him that Kick was returning.

King picked up on it, too. “What’s going on, Hyde?”

“I’m going to need some time off.”


“I’ve got some family stuff I need to take care of.”

King rubbed the back of his neck. He seemed frustrated. “What family stuff? I’ve always been under the impression you didn’t have any family, Hyde. You’ve been all over the fucking—”

“My wife.”

We all stood in shocked silence. I was certain none of us had seen that coming.

“You’ve got a wife?” King asked. “I’ve known you for fourteen years and you’ve never once mentioned a wife.”

“Yeah, a wife. A daughter, too.”

“Fuck, Hyde. Why haven’t you ever told us about them?”

Hyde seemed uncomfortable discussing this, but he forced himself to continue. “I haven’t seen them for fourteen years.” His voice dropped when he added, “But they need me now, and I need to do this. I know the timing is shitty, but—”

King cut him off. “No, you should go. Family is important. When will you be back?”

“I don’t know. It depends on whether they accept my help.”

“Okay, now I’m really fucking confused,” King said, “Why wouldn’t they?”

Hyde took a deep breath, and when he answered King, I heard emotions in his voice I’d never heard from him before, mostly regret and anguish. “They think I’m dead.”



3 months later

“Kylie! Adam! Uncle Dom is here,” Sonya yelled out as I stepped through the front door of her house, before I’d even had time to say hello to her.

I chuckled. “Are they giving you hell today?”

She made a hand movement to signal she was pulling her hair out. “Like you wouldn’t believe. Thank God you two are here now.”

Hailee followed me in, laughing, too. Moving to Sonya, she embraced her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re looking good, babe,” she said.

“I’ll be looking a whole lot better after you and I get to the hairdresser next week, that’s for sure. Is Leona coming with us?”

“No, she’s got an appointment with her doctor. She’s finally pregnant!”

“That’s fantastic news,” Sonya said, just as happy for her as Hailee was.

Hailee opened the fridge and found room for the caramel mudcake she’d made Sonya for tonight’s dessert.

Sonya spotted it, her eyes lighting up. “Did you make me what I think you made me?”