“Will do, brother.”

Hailee stepped out of my embrace after Nitro left. Wiping her face, she said, “Gran’s devastated. All our family photos and things are gone. I don’t care about my stuff, but I hate that she’s lost everything.”

I curled my hand around her neck and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m sorry, baby.” There wasn’t anything else I could say to ease her pain. “Where is Jean?”

“Kree organised for her to lie down in your room. I hope that’s okay. She didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Fuck, yeah. That’s good.” I frowned. “Have you heard from Bronze?”


“Shit, Aaron.”

“You call him Bronze?”


She stared at me in silence. I couldn’t get a read on her. Not since she’d discovered Bronze was dirty. She’d been quiet after he and I fought the night before, but thank fuck she hadn’t pulled away from me. It was Bronze she was upset with.

Finally, she placed her hand on my chest and said softly, “I feel like the biggest bitch.”

That came out of left field. “Why?”

Tears fell down her cheeks again, and she madly wiped them away. “I was awful to him last night. It’s none of my business what he chooses to do with his life. I mean, that’s what I hate about my mother—the way she thinks she has a right to judge my choices in life.”

I smoothed her hair. “I didn’t think you were judging him so much as trying to come to terms with learning something new about him.”

She swallowed a sob. “What if”—her hand flew to her mouth—“he’d been beaten to death this morning? I wouldn’t have had a chance to tell him I love him always, regardless of what he does.”

I moved one hand around her waist and the other around her back, and pulled her close. “He knows that, baby.”

She buried her face against my chest, nodding while the tears flowed. I heard her sobs—deep in my fucking bones, I heard them. And I fell for Hailee even more than I already had because of the way she loved unconditionally.

The moment was broken between us when King’s voice bellowed from the doorway of the clubhouse bar. “This is fucking war!”

I turned to find him stalking my way, a look of complete fury on his face. “The motherfuckers set fire to my place, too. And Bronze’s.” His face softened a little as he glanced at Hailee and said, “We’ve also had word that the place you worked at was targeted. Bronze is working to get me more info, but so far he’s advised me that a few of the staff members have been taken to hospital.”

Hailee’s eyes widened with worry. “Are they okay?”

“I don’t know.”

Her body sagged against me as King’s gaze met mine. “We need to talk, brother.” His meaning wasn’t lost on me. We had to talk privately.

I nodded, my own fury building. “Give me a minute.”

After he left us, I tipped Hailee’s face up to mine. “We’re going to find who did this. And I promise you, they will regret what they’ve done.” I meant every fucking word. No stone would be left unturned as far as I was concerned. And it seemed like King was on the same page.

“I need to call Leona.”

“I’ve gotta go talk to King. You good here on your own?”

“Yeah, go.”

I found King in his office, barking orders into his phone. He had his back to me. When he ended the call and turned to face me, I sucked in a breath at the level of crazy I saw in his eyes.

“That was Bronze,” he said, and I knew by his deadly tone that I wouldn’t like what he was about to tell me next. “It was Silver Hell.”

My insides twisted with hatred and a deep desire for vengeance. “They’ll pay, King. For everything they’ve done to our club and our families, this time and all the other fucking times. If it’s the last thing I ever do. They will fucking bleed for what they’ve done.”