“Get Jean in the car and drive to the clubhouse. I’ll text you the address, and I’ll let the boys know you’re on the way in case I’m not there by the time you arrive. I’ll tell you everything when I get there.”

“Shit.” Silence, and then—“Okay.” Her voice was shaky, but determined. That’s my girl.

I’m going to hang up now so you can go.”

Without waiting for her to say anything else, I ended the call and texted her the address of the clubhouse. I then phoned through to the boys on the gate that she was on her way.


I glanced up to find Bronze staring at me in what could only be described as begrudging thanks. Nodding, I said, “Yeah.”

“I’m gonna head out and try to figure out who it is and what they want.”

“Call me if you figure it out, yeah? I’ll get the boys onto it as well.”

As he walked back down the hall towards his bathroom, he said, “This doesn’t change anything, Devil.”

I was under no illusions. Bronze was a stubborn ass. All I could do was make sure Hailee and Jean stayed safe.

I was on my way out of Bronze’s place when King called me.

“I heard what happened to Bronze,” he said. “And I know you’re on your way to Hailee at the clubhouse, but I need you on something first.”

“What’s up?”

“I’m supposed to be meeting Dragon with Hyde and Nitro in half an hour. He’s got news for us on Marx. Hyde can’t make it, so I need you with us.”


“That old warehouse on Jezebel.”

I frowned. “Seems like a strange meeting place.”

“Yeah, that’s why I want you and Nitro over anyone else. This whole meet feels off. He’s just called it in the last half hour and seemed keen to make it happen straight away.”

“Okay, I’m on my way.”

I hung up and sped off in the direction of the warehouse he’d mentioned. I had that churning in my gut again. Thank fuck Hailee would be safe at the clubhouse soon.

King and Nitro were waiting when I arrived. They stood at the back of the old warehouse that was eerily quiet that morning. It wasn’t so much the warehouse that was quiet; it was the street. It was like a fucking ghost town, which was unusual because it generally had traffic on it all day every day.

“What time’s Dragon scheduled to be here?” I asked.

King checked the time on his phone. “Now.”

“And where’s Hyde? This seems like something he shouldn’t miss.” Irritation crawled over me. It came out of nowhere. All I could put it down to was the urge to get to the clubhouse to see for myself that Hailee had arrived okay.

“Yeah, was wondering the same thing,” Nitro said.

“He didn’t give me an explanation except to say it had something to do with his family,” King said.

“His family? I’ve never heard Hyde mention them before,” I said.

“Fuck, Devil,” King muttered. “Can we stop fucking going on about Hyde.” He was jumpy as shit. In an effort not to piss him off further, I nodded my agreement.

“I think we need to up our club security again,” I said. “After what happened yesterday with me and Hyde, it might be a good idea to put more eyes back on our families.” We’d pulled back a little over the last couple of months, but I felt an unease I hadn’t in a long time.

“I agree,” Nitro said.