Hyde grunted as he let the guy’s shirt go, and punched him hard in the face. His mouth spread out in a satisfied expression as he watched the asshole slump to the ground.

Glancing at me, he said, “Best part of the fucking day so far.”

“We need to hurry this along, Hyde. The heat in here is fucked.”

Hyde looked back at the guy. ?

?You want a finger or a whole hand, Devil?”

The guy’s eyes just about popped out of his head. “What?”

Hyde pulled out his knife and ran it down the asshole’s face. “You didn’t think we’d leave empty-handed, did you? We have to take something back to our president, and if it’s not cash, a body part will do for now.”

Right as the guy was about to get into it with us, shots rang out and bullets sprayed the house, smashing through the front windows.

Hyde and I ran towards the front door, ducking to avoid being shot. A car had screeched to a stop outside, and as we shot at it, the driver slammed his foot to the floor and took off.

“Forget the asshole inside,” Hyde yelled. “I wanna know who the fuck that was.”

I agreed with him, and a couple of minutes later we were in pursuit on our bikes.

Weaving in and out of traffic, we quickly caught up to the car. Hot smoggy wind whipped around me while horns blared and brakes squealed as we disrupted the traffic.

From what I could work out, there were two men in the car. Hyde was ahead of me and signaled for me to take the driver side while he took the passenger side. I sped up to do as he’d indicated, but as we approached, the car abruptly turned right into a side street, almost causing me to come off my bike.

We adjusted course and followed them down a narrow street with bends all through it. Traffic was minimal, and the guy in the passenger side stuck his head out the window and shot at us.


I gripped the bike harder while doing my best to avoid getting fucking killed while also navigating around parked cars and bends in the street.

The end of the street came into view, and I watched as the car took the corner too sharply. It smashed into an oncoming car, and I figured we would get the chance to find out who we were dealing with. However, as we drew closer, the driver revved the engine and sped away from the crash scene.

We followed as best we could, but the traffic grew busier, making it difficult for us to weave in and out. Lunchtime foot traffic didn’t help either, slowing us, too. The dirty white car we followed soon became a speck in the distance. We didn’t give up easily, but when we found ourselves stuck at a red light in gridlocked traffic in the middle of Sydney, I knew we were done.

Once we got through the city and out of the heavy traffic, I followed Hyde’s lead and pulled over to the side of the road.

Ripping his helmet off, he muttered, “I’ve got no fucking idea who that was. You?”

I shook my head. “No, but we’ve got a number plate we can run. I doubt it’ll do us any good, but it’s worth a shot.”

“I’ll get onto that while you head out to see Ghost. I’m gonna make it my fucking mission to find out who those motherfuckers were.”

Ghost’s eyes held more suspicion than I’d ever seen in any person before when he faced King and me that afternoon. He refused to sit. Rather, he stood and watched us with his arms folded across his chest.

King’s lips curled up in annoyance. “For fucks sake, sit, Ghost,” he barked.

Ghost’s body tensed. If we hadn’t been in a prison with guards’ eyes on us, I was fairly sure he’d take a swing at King. “I stopped listening to you a long fucking time ago. I’m hardly gonna start again.”

“You will when you hear what I’ve got to say.”

A flicker of interest flared in Ghost’s eyes. He attempted to hide it, but if I’d seen it, King wouldn’t have missed it. “How about you spit it out and then I’ll decide whether I sit or not?”

King’s hands landed on the table and he stood. In a low, menacing voice, he said, “How about you fucking sit or else I’ll make sure your stay in this shithole is extended.”

I had no doubt he would, too. King had that kind of power, and if someone pissed him off he didn’t hesitate to use it.

Ghost scowled, but he sat.