He frowned. “Why not?”

I sighed, frustrated at my Gran, but more so with Aaron for making things difficult. “Aaron’s here. Gran invited him because she thinks you two need time to get to know each other.”

He stepped forward, a look of determination on his face. “Open the door, Hailee.”

I hesitated. “Are you sure?”

“Open it. No one’s stopping me from seeing you. Not even your brother.” His voice was forceful, and while I loved his stubbornness, I also feared the fireworks that could erupt when he and my brother were in the same room.

Reluctantly, I let him in. His hands moved straight to my waist so he could pull me close for a kiss.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Aaron bellowed from the other end of the hallway. As he stalked our way, I felt Devil’s body tense, and I commenced silently chanting in my head for peace between these two.

My grandmother appeared in the hallway. “I invited him.” She took the Gran-tone she’d liked to use when chastising us as kids.

Aaron slowed, shock registering on his features. Turning back to face her, he said, “You support this relationship?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“You do know he’s a biker, right? And that his club is tied up in some bad shit.”

“Fuck,” Devil swore under his breath.”

I held him next to me when I sensed he was about to move towards Aaron. Anger vibrated off both of them, scaring me a little. I hoped Gran knew what she was doing.

“I know all of that, Aaron, but I also know that Dominic is the best man I’ve ever seen with my granddaughter. She’s smiling like I’ve never seen her smile, and confident in a way she’s never been. He makes her happy. And as far as him being a biker, since when do we judge people, Aaron? I thought I helped raise you to be better than that.”

“You would judge bikers the same way I do if you were in the line of work I’m in.”

Gran’s voice softened a little when she said, “And you’ve been perfect your entire life, then? Never done something you w

eren’t proud of?”

Aaron had turned to look at Devil right before she said that, and he froze at her questions. His face paled, and instead of answering her, he stalked back into the kitchen.

“Way to go, Gran,” I whispered.

“She sure has a way of getting her point across,” Devil said softly enough so that only I heard him.

I looked up at him. Touching his cheek, I said, “Okay, you good to do this? I don’t think it’s gonna be fun.”

He nodded. “Nothing worth anything in life is easy, darlin’.”

He led me into the kitchen while I held my breath a little.

God, please don’t let this turn to shit.



Bronze and I managed to make it through most of dinner without trying to take each other’s heads off. And then Hailee’s asshole neighbour happened.

Jean had just served dessert and I’d taken my first bite of the best pavlova I’d ever tasted when the fight next door started.

“God, does he ever lay off her?” Hailee muttered, pushing her chair back to stand.

Bronze quickly stood, too. “Sit back down, Hailee. I’ll go over and see what’s doing.”