When he didn’t say anything, Hyde said, “You think this is Gambarro?”

King stared into space for a few moments, deep in thought, before glancing at Hyde. “No. This doesn’t feel like Gambarro.”

“Why?” Hyde asked.

“This feels like it’s been set up for a while. The shit with Gambarro isn’t that old. It only began because of Kick and what we did for him. My gut’s telling me this is bigger than that.”

“So we need a list of names of everyone with a grudge against you, and we start working through that list until we figure this shit out,” I said.

King blew out a frustrated breath. “Fuck.”

The meeting with Bones was meant to shed some light for us and help us nail down Marx and his plans. Instead, it only gave us a fuckload more questions and no answers.



I raised my glass and clinked it with Leona’s. “Thank fuck this week is almost over,” I said before taking a long sip of my cocktail.

Saturday night had finally come around, and after a long day of giving massages I was ready to let my hair down and dance all night.

Leona hit me with a smile as she sipped her coke. She was still hoping like crazy that her hubby knocked her up the previous night, so she wasn’t on the hard stuff. “You deserve that drink after living through that dinner with your mother.”

“Damn, girl, you have the best smile,” I said, engrossed in that rather than what she’d said about my mother. Truth be told, I didn’t want to think about my mother that night.

A woman’s voice sounded from behind us, breaking into out conversation. “Now that’s the kind of chick you wanna keep close. Someone who isn’t afraid to give out a compliment to her friends.”

I turned to find Monroe smiling at us. “Oh, God, you’re not gonna try and get me to drink another Jägerbomb with you, are you?”

She moved next to us at the bar and placed her purse on the counter. With a quick wave of her hand, she said, “You don’t know what you’re missing.” She watched as I took another long sip of my drink. “Bad day, honey?”

“No, today was good. It was the week that was off.”

“Is your band playing tonight?”

“No. I’ve been sick this week, so we cancelled the couple of gigs we had booked.”

Her eyes twinkled. “You really should let me buy you a Jägerbomb. Guaranteed to kill off any lasting germs.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “You love that shit, don’t you?”

Doug leant across the counter at that point. He’d caught the last bit of our conversation. “She loves that shit almost as much as she loves pierced dicks.”

Leona almost choked on her drink. Her eyes widened a little as she said, “Oh, wow… Goodness.” She wasn’t a prude, but she certainly wasn’t as adventurous as some in the bedroom.

“Oh, honey,” Monroe said, eyeing Leona, “you really should try a pierced cock at least once in your life. I finally found one recently and let me tell you, best sex I’ve ever had.”

“Uh, I’m married,” Leona said a little hesitantly.

“You reckon he’d get it pierced for you?” Monroe asked, deadly serious.

Leona’s eyes bulged. “God, no. I’m not sure what Jerry would do if I even mentioned it.”

Doug placed a Jägerbomb on the counter for Monroe, and glanced at Leona. “Babe, just ignore Monroe. She could talk about pierced dicks all day every day, and thinks every man should have one.”

I grinned at him. “What do you think, Doug? Would you get a piercing?”

His eyes met mine and he hit me with that slow, sexy smile of his before saying, “What makes you think I don’t already?”