“Fuck,” he muttered. “Was really fucking hoping you’d say no.”

Nitro’s phone rang, distracting him, and he moved away from us to take the call.

King watched him for a moment. “I’ll never make the same mistake I made with Nitro by not listening to what you have to say, but I’m asking if you could tone it down with Hailee while we wade through this shit with the feds. I’ve got enough dirt on Bronze to use in an effort to convince him not to walk away from the club, but I’m not getting the vibe from him that he gives a fuck about the consequences of that.”

I wasn’t either. The last thing I wanted to do was what he’d asked. However, my loyalty to him and the club caused me to rethink that. “You think Bronze can keep us out of the shit with the feds?” He’d looked after us for years, burying evidence and keeping us safe from prosecution, but he didn’t work for the federal police so I wasn’t sure how far his reach extended.

King nodded, though. “Bronze has people everywhere, Devil. He’s good for this. He walks, we’re fucked.”

Nitro came back to us while I thought about what King had said. “That was Hyde.” He met King’s gaze. “I asked him to keep an eye on Ghost’s sister. They just turned up at her house and she’s gone.”

“Gone, as in skipped town?” King asked.

“Yeah, as in her house is empty and we don’t know where she is.” His voice hardened. “As in it looks like Ghost is trying to keep her safe.”

There was only one reason why Ghost would want to keep her safe.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” King’s temper flared again. “Find her! And while you’re at it, let’s, for the love of fuck, find out what the hell Wesley Marx’s game is!”



I sat in my car outside my mother’s home late Friday afternoon dreading the thought of going inside. She’d called last night demanding I join her for dinner. The fact I was still recovering from being sick wasn’t enough to get out of it. I could have said no, but that would only have lead to her bitching about my refusal for months. It was far easier to suck it up and go.

My phone sounded with a text.

Leona: You there ye, babe?

Me: Ugh. Yes. Send luck.

Leona: Luck!

Me: Tell me something good. I need that to get me through the night.

Leona: Jerry fucked me the minute I walked in from work. I’m fairly sure I’m pregnant now.

Me: Why?

Leona: He never has sex without planning it. This is a whole new thing for us.

Me: So you think his sperm are partying with your eggs because of his spontaneity?

Leona: LOL Yes!

Me: Okay that was good. Every time my mum pisses me off tonight, I’ll think of your baby.

Leona: Love you, Hails.

Me: Love you. Now go have sex again just to be sure.

A tap on the car window caused me to jump as I shoved my phone back in my bag. Looking up, I found Aaron bent over looking at me.

Opening the door, I muttered, “Fuck, Aaron, way to give a girl a heart attack.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “You paid your rego?”